
Hate reading and writing crontab? Turn your sad into fab with Cronfab!

Primary LanguageElixir


Hate reading and writing crontab? Turn your sad into fab with Cronfab!


iex> Cronfab.generate_crontab()
{:ok, "* * * * *"}

iex> Cronfab.generate_crontab(on: :weekends, at: "5:45pm", utc_offset: "-4")
{:ok, "45 21 * * 6,0"}

iex> Cronfab.generate_crontab(day: :every_day, at: :noon, utc_offset: "-5")
{:ok,  "0 17 * * *"}

iex> Cronfab.generate_crontab(on: :thursdays, at: "3:04pm")
{:ok, "4 15 * * 4"}


iex> Cronfab.generate_crontab!()
"* * * * *"

iex> Cronfab.generate_crontab!(on: :weekends, at: "5:45pm", utc_offset: "-4")
"45 21 * * 6,0"

iex> Cronfab.generate_crontab!(day: :every_day, at: :noon, utc_offset: "-5")
"0 17 * * *"

iex> Cronfab.generate_crontab!(on: :thursdays, at: "3:04pm")
"4 15 * * 4"


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding cronfab to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:cronfab, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/cronfab.