This repository contains the source code for the paper Multigraph Approach Towards a Scalable, Robust Look-alike Audience Extension System by Ernest Kirubakaran Selvaraj, Nilamadhaba Mohapatra, Tushar Agarwal and Swapnasarit Sahu.
To install the dependencies run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
We have used the Adform Click Prediction Dataset to benchmark our model performance.
To train the model on Adform data, download and unzip the data and place it inside the folder data/adform
The data contains a set of 10 features. The features are hashed into 32-bit integers to preserve privacy.
Some of the features can have multiple values. Apart from these features, there is also a
binary column indicating whether the ad was clicked by the user or not.
To process the data run:
The data contains 5 large json files and all those files have to be combined before running the script. The data processing script does the following:
- Removes certain columns with very high cardinality and are not useful for modeling.
- Removes low-frequency categories from the dataset.
- Converts hashed values to strings.
- For columns that can have multiple values, removes rows where the number of items exceeds a defined threshold.
- Calculates feature frequencies for scoring.
- Saves the processed data to disc.
To learn embeddings for columns with multiple values run:
To build the graphs run:
To extend a seed set run:
python --seed_set path_to_seed_data.csv
The seed set data should have one column with the name id
and that column should have all the ids in the seed set.
The steps to reproduce the recall experiments on Adform data is in the notebook demo.ipynb
Note that the model used in the demo was trained on one file
of the Adform data.
It took roughly 6 hours for building the graph using a machine with Tesla RTX and 64GB memory.