
A Leiningen plugin to set the project version based on the git SHA

Primary LanguageClojure


A Leiningen plugin to set the project version based on the git sha of the current branch.


To be able to access the plugin from any project, put [lein-sha-version "0.1.1"] into the :plugins vector of your :sha, or other non-standard, profile. Invoke lein with lein with-profile sha to use the sha version number for the project, e.g. lein with-profile sha deploy clojars to deploy the sha based version to clojars.

Put [lein-sha-version "0.1.1"] into the :plugins vector of your :dev profile in project.clj if you always want to use a sha version with a specific project.

To control the length of the generated SHA, you can set the :length key under :sha in your project or profile. The length defaults to seven.

:sha {:length 8}

To add the generated SHA to your artifacts' MANIFEST.MF, you can set the :manifest-header to your project or profile. The SHA will be written to that header in your jar and/or uberjar.

:sha {:manifest-header "Implementation-Version"}


Copyright © 2012 Hugo Duncan

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.