
Set up an automated data science environment using Docker

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Set up an automated data science environment using Docker

Any changes to the Dockerfile will be automatically built in Docker Hub, so just pull the container:

docker pull bobbywlindsey/docker-data-science

Then you can either run the container interactively:

  1. linux: docker run -it -v ~/GitProjects:/root/GitProjects --network=host -i bobbywlindsey/docker-data-science
  2. MacOS or Windows: docker run -it -v ~/GitProjects:/root/GitProjects -p 8888:8888 -i bobbywlindsey/docker-data-science

Or run the container in a detached mode so that you can use Jupyter Notebooks but still use bash

  1. linux:
docker run -d --name data-science -v ~/GitProjects:/root/GitProjects --network=host -i bobbywlindsey/docker-data-science
docker exec -it data-science bash
  1. MacOS or Windows:
docker run -d --name data-science -v ~/GitProjects:/root/GitProjects -p 8888:8888 -i bobbywlindsey/docker-data-science
docker exec -it data-science bash

To use Jupyter Lab on your host machine, just navigate to localhost:8888 and enter the token data-science.