Website stats through Kafka


This is a kata on producing website statistics (e.g. response time, error code, etc...) using kafka-python (

The code included simulate a system that monitors website availability over the network, produces metrics about this and passes these events through a Kafka instance into a PostgreSQL database.

The kafka and postgres serivces have been intanciated on Aiven.

Run the example

First of all some configuration and secrets must be set.

Database Settings

export POSTGRES_HOST=db_host
export POSTGRES_PORT=db_port
export POSTGRES_DB_NAME=db_name
export POSTGRES_USER=db_user
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=db_password

Kafka Settings

export KAFKA_SERVICE_URI=url:port
export SSL_CA_FILE_PATH=/your/path/ca.pem
export SSL_CERTFILE_PATH=/your/path/service.cert
export SSL_KEYFILE_PATH=/your/path/service.key

Load demo data

The following command will load demo data within the websites table. In practice, this way we simulate the data entry of the website we wanna get the statistics.

NOTE: The first time this script will create the database schema either.

python -m websitestats.util load_demo_data

Run test locally

Create a python virtual environment with your favourite venv (pipenv, conda, etc...) manager.

Install requirements

pip install -r requrements.txt

Run tests


Run complete example

NOTE: the producer and the consumer must be ran in 2 different bash sessions and in each of those you must export the settings above.


python -m websitestats.producer --schedule <n_seconds>

The --schedule parameter is mandatory and indicates the periodicity of the producer job. For example --schedule 3 means that the job will be run scheduled each 3 seconds. I you wanna run the producer only once you must specify --schedule 0.


python -m websitestats.consumer