What is this for?

There are times where we need to move job definitions from:

  • one dbt Cloud account to another
  • one dbt Cloud project to another
  • a Multi-tenant dbt Cloud account to a single-tenant one or vice versa
  • Or simply have a file backup of our jobs

dbt Cloud does not have built-in import/export functionality through the UI, but it's possible to do through the API, so we do it here, via the API!

The script runs in Google Colab and uses the awesome dbt-cloud-cli project as a convenient wrapper around dbt Cloud's APIs

what does it do?

  1. downloads a list of dbt Cloud jobsjobs
  2. uploads them to Google Drive
  3. Manipulates them as necessary
  4. Imports them to a different dbt Cloud Account or Project

Ok I heard enough I have to have it!

Simply click on the link at the top of the notebook and go!