
Meteor login service for Facebook accounts (works with cordova)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

inspiration from meteor-accounts-facebook-cordova (andrewreedy)

Accounts Facebook Cordova


This packages replaces the accounts-facebook package. It works with phonegap-facebook-plugin when using cordova and falls back to the facebook package when in a browser.

Note: Currently only tested with iOS. Will test the other platforms asap.

Current status: Login works great! Working on abstracting the graph api calls so they work from both native sdk or http request .. although it may be better to just stick with http.


Installation / Setup



Package Installation

Meteor 0.9.0 and up

meteor add particle4dev:cordova-fb

Meteor 0.8.3

mrt add accounts-facebook-cordova

You must also remove Meteor's default accounts-facebook package:

meteor remove accounts-facebook

Note: For testing you can also add accounts-ui package.


Meteor settings file (settings.json)
    "cordova": {
        "com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect": {
           "APP_ID": ***,
           "APP_NAME": ***,
           "secret": ***
    "public": {
        "facebook": {
            "permissions": [
            "profileFields": [


Cordova Setup Guide

Refer to the phonegap-facebook-plugin readme

Final Notes

Running your app with settings
meteor run android-device -p --verbose --settings settings.json
mrt --settings settings.json




If you want more features than this provides, file an issue. Feature requests/contributions are welcome.