
Forked from https://github.com/PorkShoulderHolder/python-libmf

Primary LanguageC++

install with pip

pip install libmf

Or install with setup.py

python setup.py install

Or compile from source

Still easy, you just need a standard c++ compiler, and you need to make sure that your mf.py file can find the libmf.so file

$ cd python-libmf
$ g++ --std=c++11 src/*.cpp -shared -o libmf.so

That should create a python-libmf.so file which mf.py will use to interface with libmf. Make sure you know where this file is, because mf.py needs to reference it.

After compilation try running:

$ python tests/mf_tests.py

if these work then you are good to go!

>>> from libmf import mf
>>> engine = mf.MF()
>>> engine.fit(data)
>>> engine.predict(ind)

data is a sparse numpy array consisting of data matrix indices x and y and a corresponding value. So each row is: (x,y,v). data.shape => (x, 3) where x is the number of observations

ind is a sparse numpy array of indices specifying where we want to predict unobserved values