
  1. make console basically work correctly adding ChooseCardFromCIs(filter, presetChoiceForTests = null) so that console can really work right.
  2. be able to simulate a battle after providing deck, [initial hand], enemy + behavior
  3. generate optimal strategy w/monte carlo
  4. can this be hooked up to alphazero
  5. obviously the dream is a complete player of the entire game - simulating every choice fully annoying part of this is having to manually enter the behavior patterns of every enemy
  6. make StS into a game like chess where you can share complete game states for analysis
  7. enable "duplicate StS" in a fair way, to enable true comparison of skill


  1. what is the best single card to add to the starting deck for a fight with nob, cubes, or sleeping guy
  2. when cultist has 25hp and 1vuln and you have DS and 1 energy, should you strike or not?
  3. try all possible 2,3,N-card decks vs specific enemies and see what's best


  1. just dealing with ironclad to start.
  2. cards, communication, artifacts, enemy behavior
  3. this could get complicated
  4. simulation of a fight
  5. trying various strategies (try as many draws as possible)
  6. search optimization, pruning. i.e. with no +heal or stateful artifacts, voluntarily not doing damage is probably prunable.
  7. charts for likely outcomes of fights with perfect play


  • enable safe simulation of actions for pre-display of damage
  • implement an enemy in a nice way - this is complex to reverse engineer, especially at ascension levels
  • display intentions in console mode
  • display simulated damage in console mode
  • fix the whole "copy" requirement and node navigation - feels inefficient
  • reversible play and safe undos rather than copying entire data structures
  • representation of exact game & fight state in a single hash for sharing / replaying
  • in general how to handle random oneoff relics/statuses like frail/BTNodraw? Really does seem easier to just patch the draw method.
  • handle reshuffle variation randomness => when you reshuffle, create a normal choice node and add a random child with key corresponding to it
  • random testing => means I need to fix the InitialBlock / blockAdjustment concept
  • actually, reshuffle is truly random, not draw. draw is deterministic.
  • need to move the logic for creating randomnodes elsewhere.
  • stop repeatedly visiting the same node? First generate all actions and just pick one.
  • profiling - guess I spend 99% of the time in .Copy methods. How to do this better?
  • mc mode with focusing
  • don't repeatedly choose the same exact action.
  • later - identical full fight state evaluation
  • compare MC results to repeatedly playing the real fight to get the same result distributions - the only way to really validate.
  • if you have A with children B and C and are calculating values, if B_v < A_v (by direct HP analysis) there is no reason to completely calculate its value; just return A as bestchild.
  • evolve needs structure adjustments. ef can modify itself with more work.
  • minimal example of C/RC situation and verify that all paths are considered
  • why isn't it finding all good lines?
  • tests for exhaustion of all good lines. make sure it finds all.
  • picking the shorter line to a win
  • better to emit events when something happens and platedarmor just listens.
  • fix output so I can see what's going on - bad experience when running through nunit.
  • Are enemy attacks/actions best characterized as cards? Would make it easier in some ways since enemy "turns" could be the same as players.
  • deck concepts - exhaust, draw, etc. New test classes just for this
  • ability to characterize certain cards like the ones that add wounds, the one that draws & puts a card on top.
  • shouldn't card be a subclass of cardinstance?
  • fix up text notation so it's playable by hand.
  • AI to handle simple fights
  • monsters are going to be a lot more painful than I thought.
  • cards that have multiple "versions" of sims, i.e. headbutt or any card that has targets, needs to specify targets somehow? so the AI can monte carlo over them.
  • fix tests to have standard format and test autodetection.
  • console application for testing

Todos Done

  • console mode so you can "play" from cmdline. This is necessary to find bugs and generate more tests.
  • split out randomness a bit better
  • basic interactive mode with cmdline options. normal cards - play card, potion, etc. and special mode addcard etc.
  • visualization improvements
  • fixup sense for statuses
  • unify status parameter - it means either "intensity" for things with fixed lengths like strength (permanent) or flame barrier status(1 round), or length, for things with fixed effects (vulnerable/weaken).
  • There is no reason for this to have two parameters; one which gets mapped is enough.
  • base tests for finding best lines in simple fights
  • how to generally get a narrative account of a fight? textmode StS
  • I should try out events to handle some of these really rare connections. i.e. no other status except PlatedArmor cares when a player takes attack damage; why should I call ApplyStatus on every status whenever that happens? And i don't just want to have cutouts directly in the damage code.