
SpatialOS GDK for Unity

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The SpatialOS GDK for Unity (alpha)

The SpatialOS Game Development Kit (GDK) for Unity enables game developers to build multiplayer Unity games with SpatialOS. It will be made up of three parts:

  • the GDK Core, a performant, data-driven SpatialOS multiplayer integration.

  • a library of solutions for hard or common networked game development problems via Feature Modules.

  • the example game, which both tests and demonstrates the Feature Modules; for use as a starting point or resource for game development.

For further high-level information about this, see the summary of key features.

This is an alpha release of the GDK Core which is the foundation of the product. To find out more see the GDK blogpost.

Recommended use

This alpha release is for experienced Unity developers who have some understanding of SpatialOS concepts, and want to give early feedback.

This alpha version software and its documentation is, by its very nature, rough and ready; every part of it is subject to change, including the APIs, and it isn’t optimised for performance. In addition, the GDK is based on Unity’s experimental Entity Component System and Job System.

This release is for evaluation and feedback only, with limited documentation; we aren’t supporting any game development yet.


Public contributors
We are not currently accepting public contributions - see our contributions policy. However, we are accepting issues and we do want your feedback.

Improbable developers
See the Contributions guide.

Give us feedback

We have released the GDK this early in development because we want your feedback. Please come and talk to us about the software and the documentation via:

Find us in the #unity channel. You may need to grab Discord here.

The SpatialOS forums
Visit the feedback section in our forums and use the unity-gdk tag. This link takes you there and pre-fills the category and tag.

Github issues
Create an issue in this repository.

Support policy

We are not supporting the alpha release for game development, as this version is for evaluation only. However, please do give us your feedback.

Migration from the SpatialOS Unity SDK

Currently the GDK is in its early development, so there is no migration path from the SpatialOS SDK for Unity to the GDK. There will be a migration path in later releases.

  • Version: alpha (for evaluation only)
  • Unity Game Development Kit repository: github.com/spatialos/UnityGDK
  • Use of the contents of this repository is subject to the Improbable license
  • Your access to and use of the Unity Engine is governed by the Unity Engine End User License Agreement. Please ensure that you have agreed to those terms before you access or use the Unity Engine.

© 2018 Improbable