
Try fixing temporarily JSON support in WSO2 ESB

Primary LanguageJava

Alternativa JSON Builder & Formatter

The Problem

The current JSON Builder & Formatter doesn't allow certain valid JSON:

  1. The JSON has to start with "{", i.e. there can't be a JSONArray at the root.

  2. Only the first key-value pair will be considered. This is because JSON is mapped to XML-like datastructure, and XML must have a root, so the first key-value pair is considered as root.

  3. The value of the first key-value pair must not be an array. This because the converter has to know which XML tag should be used for each value:

    e.g.: ... { "key": ["val1", "val2", ...]} -> <key>val1</key><key>val2</key>....

The solution

We add a virtual root so that the problems explained above won't occur. This will be fixed in the future with a new JSON Builder & Formatter for Axis2.

Build and install

  1. Build the JAR with maven.

    mvn package
  2. Install

    a. Copy the JAR to the WSO2 dropins folder

       cp target/jsonbuilderformatter-1.0.0.jar <WSO2 root dir>/repository/components/dropins

    b. Edit the axis2.xml and comment the existing JSON builder & formatter and add the JSON builder and formatter

       vim <WSO2 root dir>/repository/conf/axis2.xml
       <messageBuilder contentType="application/json"
       <messageFormatter contentType="application/json"
       <messageBuilder contentType="application/json"
       <messageBuilder contentType="application/json"
  3. Restart the ESB.


Please send me any feedback and pull requests to erevilla@yaco.es.