
It is a PHP project which can be used to generate cooking recipes from a list of ingredients.

This is a PHP project which can be used to generate cooking recipes from a list of ingredients. I assume you know how to do some basic tasks like: importing databases etc.


1. If you are using lampp, Copy "YourRecipes" folder to the /opt/lampp/htdocs folder.
If you are using wamp, copy "YourRecipes" folder to www folder. 

2. Create a database called "YourRecipes". (I use phpmyadmin to create databases.)

3. Import "YourRecipes.sql" from the folder "YourRecipes" to your database.

4. Browse http://localhost/YourRecipes


There are 3 things you can do with the program. 

1. Train the program with recipes.

2. Generate recipes by specifying a list of ingredients.

3. Provide feedback after the recipe is generated.


I haven't trained the program much. I just provided a few recipes of tea and coffee to check that the program indeed works.