
WORK IN PROGRESS Hoodie Shares Plugin

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hoodie Shares Plugin


a share is like a store, give I'm permitted to access / modify the share I can add / find / update / remove objects

Share Module API

the hoodie.share module provides a scoped store API, meaning

  1. no type can be passed
  2. returned objects are not objects, but share instances

on top, it allows a direct call: that opens a share from remote and exposes a store API to directly interact with the store's objects.

share = hoodie.share('shareId')

Share Instance API

a share provides a store for its objects. All these methods make direct calls to the remote share store. If share is a new instance, it gets published automtically


grant / revoke access

share.grantAccess()  // everybody can read
share.revokeAccess() // nobody but me has access
share.grantWriteAccess()  // everybody can write
share.revokeWriteAccess() // nobody but me can wirte
share.grantWriteAccess(["lisa@example.com", "judy@example.com"])

Sharing objects from my store

the hoodie.share module also extends the hoodie.store api with two methods: share and unshare

compare to store.publish / store.unpublish

hoodie.store.find('task', '123').share()
hoodie.store.find('task', '123').shareAt( share.id)
hoodie.store.find('task', '123').unshare()
hoodie.store.find('task', '123').unshareAt( share.id )

When executing shareAt, internally we execute hoodie.share.findOrAdd(id, options). That means

  1. I can directly share objects at a self defined id without manually creating the share upfront.
  2. I can share objects at an existing share (mine or somebody else's)

So the following code shares all my car objects at "favoritecars" wich is a shared store that might or might not exist yet

hoodie.store.findAll('car').shareAt( "favoritecars" )

In case something goes wrong, for example the "favoritecars" share exists but I don't have write permissions on it, the method will reject and an error will be triggered.

hoodie.share.on('error:favoritecars', handleShareError)


You can share one ore multiple objects right away with this piece of code

var todolist = {
  title: 'shopping list',
  tasks: [
    {title: 'nutella'},
    {title: 'bread'},
    {title: 'milk'}
hoodie.store.add('todolist', todolist).share()
.done( function(todolist, share) {
  /* now others can access the shared directly with
     hoodie.share( share.id ).store.findAll() */

subsribing to shares by others

to subscribe to a share, use the following code:


a subscription creates internally also a $share object, so I can treat it in the same way. When subscribing to a share, the workers will setup continuous replications to pull and — if I have write access — to push changes. Objects that get pulled from other users' shares will get be set with a {$sharedId: secretShareId }

Use cases

  1. Public Share
  2. Private Share
  3. Read only Share
  4. Collaborative Shares
  5. Public, password protected shares
  6. Listen to events in Shares
  7. Subscribe to other users' shares

Usecase 1: Public Share

Let's say I've a todolist that I want to share publicly with others with via secret URL. First we add the todolist (by passing an object with the respective type & id) and then the todolist will be available to others at the secret URL

hoodie.store.add('todolist', todolist).share()
.then( function(todolist, share) {
  shareUrl = "http://mytodoapp.com/shared/" + share.id;
  alert("Share your todolist at " + shareUrl);

Usecase 2: Private Share

Let's say I've another todolist that I want to share only with my collegues aj@example.com and bj@example.com. I want the todolist to to be accessible for AJ, BJ and myself only.

hoodie.store.add('todolist', todolist).share()
.then( function(todolist, share) {
  share.grantReadAccess(["aj@example.com", "bj@example.com"])
  shareUrl = "http://mytodoapp.com/shared/" + share.id;
  alert("Share your todolist at " + shareUrl);

Usecase 5: Read only Share

If you want to prevent other users to make changes to your shared objects, grant read access. If another user will try to push to hoodie.share("share_id"), it will be rejected.

.then( function(share) {

Usecase 6: Collaborative Shares

If you want to invite others to collaborate on your objects, you need to grant write access. Then all users knowing the share.id will be able to push changes.

.then( function(share) {

Usecase 7: Public, password protected shares

I can optionally assign a password to a share that needs to be provided by others when trying to accessing it:

hoodie.share.add( {
  id : "mytodolist123",
  password : "secret"
}).then( function(share) {} )

If other users want to access your share, they need to passt the password as option

hoodie.share( "mytodolist123", {password: "secret"} )
.store.findAll( function(objects) {
  alert("welcome to my todolist!");

Usecase 8: Listen to events in Shares

I can open a share and listen to changes of its containing objects

hoodie.share('shared_id').on('store:changed',        function(object) { /*...*/ });
hoodie.share('shared_id').on('store:changed:type',   function(object) { /*...*/ });
hoodie.share('shared_id').on('store:created',        function(object) { /*...*/ });
hoodie.share('shared_id').on('store:created:type',   function(object) { /*...*/ });
hoodie.share('shared_id').on('store:updated',        function(object) { /*...*/ });
hoodie.share('shared_id').on('store:updated:type',   function(object) { /*...*/ });
hoodie.share('shared_id').on('store:destroyed',      function(object) { /*...*/ });
hoodie.share('shared_id').on('store:destroyed:type', function(object) { /*...*/ });

I can also listen to errors happening to my own shares, e.g. if I try to push updates to a share without having write permissions

hoodie.share.on('error', function(error, share) {
