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Deep Learning & Applied AI @Sapienza

Course material, 2nd semester a.y. 2022/2023, Dept. of Computer Science


  • 01/08/2023: The grades for the written exam of July 19th are available here
  • 29/06/2023: The grades for the written exam of June 27th are available here
  • 11/05/2023: The list of projects is now published, please scroll down to the Grading section for more details.
  • 10/05/2023: Due to logistic issues, today's lecture will be held remotely through a pre-recorded video; please scroll down to download the video. Apologies for the inconvenience, and please feel free to reach out to the Professor if you have any questions.
  • 07/05/2023: Please fill out the OPIS questionnaire (instructions here). The code for this course is 2YSAJJWX.
  • 07/05/2023: The midterm grades are now published.
  • 26/04/2023: The midterm sheet is now published. Students who wish to have their answers checked must deliver by today at 15:15 via email (rodola@di.uniroma1.it).
  • 19/04/2023: The lecture of April 25th is cancelled due to the Liberation Day, as per the academic calendar. On April 26th we will do a self-evaluation test; more details will follow.
  • 03/04/2023: The lecture of April 11th is cancelled due to Easter holidays, as per the academic calendar.
  • 27/03/2023: The lectures of Tue 28 and Wed 29 March will be held remotely due to illness. Tue 28: The notebook will be uploaded shortly, and you can work on it from your homes; the Professor and the teaching assistants will be on the Discord server during the 3 hours, to assist you in real time. Wed 29: The slides are already up, together with a video recording of the Professor explaining the new topic; the recording is from DLAI 2021, which overlaps well with the new slides up to some simplifications.
  • 11/02/2023: The course website is online. Welcome to DLAI 2022/23! The course will start on Tue 28th February.


Lecturer: Prof. Emanuele RodolĂ 

Assistants: Dr. Antonio Norelli, Dr. Luca Moschella, Dr. Marco Fumero, Dr. Irene Cannistraci

When: Tuesdays 13:00--16:00 and Wednesdays 13:00--15:00


Physical classrooms: Aula Magna Edificio C RM111 (Tuesdays) and Aula Alfa RM062 (Wednesdays)

There is no virtual classroom, and the lectures will not be recorded.

Q & A: We will use a Discord server. More details during the first lessons.


Python fundamentals; calculus; linear algebra.

Textbook and reading material

Due to the continuously evolving nature of the topic, there is no fixed textbook as a reference. Specific material in the form of scientific articles and book chapters will be given throughout the lectures.

In addition, here you can find some supplementary course notes.


Evaluation proceeds according to the following steps:

  • A midterm self-evaluation test (optional, does not concur to the final grade)
  • A final written exam (mandatory, accounts for 60% of the final grade)
  • A project (mandatory, accounts for 40% of the final grade)
  • An oral exam (optional, attributes at most 3 points, added to or subtracted from the final grade)

We may require an oral exam in doubtful cases or whenever necessary.

The list of projects is available here. Each project must be accompanied with code + a 2 page report using a fixed template, available here. Projects can be made in groups of at most 2 students, but in this case, you must motivate this decision and get our approval beforehand.

Here you can find some example sheets of past written exams:


Date Topic Reading Code & Data
Tue 28 Feb Introduction slides
Wed 01 Mar Data, features, and embeddings slides ; linear algebra recap ; matrix notes
Tue 07 Mar Tensor manipulation and Tensor operations Open In Colab Open In Colab
Wed 08 Mar Linear regression, convexity, and gradients slides
Tue 14 Mar Linear models and Pytorch Datasets Open In Colab
Wed 15 Mar Overfitting and going nonlinear slides
Tue 21 Mar Logistic Regression and Optimization Open In Colab
Wed 22 Mar Stochastic gradient descent slides
Tue 28 Mar Autograd and Modules Open In Colab
Wed 29 Mar Multi-layer perceptron and back-propagation slides ; video
Tue 04 Apr Convolutional Neural Networks Open In Colab
Wed 05 Apr Convolutional Neural Networks slides
Tue 11 Apr Easter holidays
Wed 12 Apr Regularization, batchnorm and dropout slides
Tue 18 Apr Uncertainty, regularization and the deep learning toolset slides Open In Colab
Wed 19 Apr Deep generative models slides ; video
Tue 25 Apr Liberation Day
Wed 26 Apr Midterm self-evaluation sheet ; grades
Tue 02 May Variational Autoencoders Open In Colab
Wed 03 May Geometric deep learning slides; video Open In Colab
Tue 09 May Self-attention and transformers slides Open In Colab
Wed 10 May Adversarial training slides ; video
Tue 16 May CycleGAN and Adversarial Attacks Open In Colab
Wed 17 May Invited lecture: Andrea Santilli - "From symbolic representations to ChatGPT" slides
Tue 23 May Invited lecture: Michele Mancusi and Giorgio Mariani - "Diffusion-based generative models for audio" slides Open In Colab
