Flight Deck Simulators


The Flight Deck Simulators project is a Proof of Concept (POC) solution designed to address the absence of a centralized platform for virtual pilots and airlines in the virtual aviation community. The primary objective is to create a unified platform that collects and analyzes data from flight simulators, providing a user-friendly interface for performance monitoring and analysis. The ultimate goal is to empower virtual pilots and airlines with valuable insights to enhance their operations.

1. Problem Statement

The virtual aviation community currently lacks a centralized platform for the comprehensive collection and analysis of data from flight simulations. Existing platforms fall short in providing robust data analytics tools, limiting the ability to derive meaningful insights from the gathered information.

2. Scope

The initial release of the Flight Deck Simulators project will include the following features:

  • Real-time data collection and analysis
  • Integration with X-Plane
  • Data storage using Microsoft SQL Server
  • Hosting on Azure

Subsequent releases will focus on expanding data analytics and reporting capabilities.

3. Proposed Project

3.1 Architecture

The project will involve transferring data from flight simulators to a .NET backend application. Key components include:

  • Integration with XPlane11: Capturing data from XPlane11 simulations.
  • Microsoft SQL Server: Storing collected data efficiently and securely.
  • Azure Hosting: Ensuring scalability and availability of the platform.

3.2 Implementation

The .NET framework will be employed for backend application development, managing the processing of collected data. Azure will facilitate scalability, while Microsoft SQL Server will handle efficient data retrieval.

3.3 User Interface

An Angular-based user interface will be developed, offering a user-friendly platform for virtual pilots and airlines to monitor performance and analyze data.

3.4 Project Name

The application will be named "Flight Deck Simulators," signifying its role as a unified data platform for virtual aviation.

4. Summary

In conclusion, the Flight Deck Simulators project aims to fill the existing void in virtual aviation by providing a centralized platform for data collection and analysis. By improving performance monitoring and insights, this project strives to enhance the virtual aviation experience for both pilots and airlines. Future releases will build upon the initial foundation, focusing on advanced data analytics and reporting functionalities.