Trip Check aims to help people become aware of using substances in combination. Knowing the direct effects of mixing substances allows harm reduction actions, minimizing the impact of drug use on the human body.
This App was developed in SwiftUI for iOS 14, using the MVVM architecture. In addition, Pods such as: SwiftGen and SwiftLint were also used. Substance interaction data comes from the TripSit API.
More information about the TripSit API can be found here:
The core of the App is implemented and functional, but this is a project still under development that will have more features in the future.
TestFlight: Interaction between two substances
- Analytics/ Crashlytics and AppTrackingTransparency
- iOS 14 support
- Translation to PT-BR
- Offline Operation
- Search for specific information about substances
To run this project it is necessary to use the pod install!