Operating Systems Shell Assignment

Primary LanguageC

198:416 - Code Assignment 1 - Shell
Authors: Elie Rosen, Paul Kania

How it should work:
1) User is prompted to input a shell command(s)
2) The string is parssed into tokens
3) Tokens are read, if a pipe is found the token splits into commands
4) Check to see if the command exists in the builtin function list
5) If it does not exist fork() and execvp() each additional command
6) Wait for each child process to complete, print exit status of each process
7) Prompt the user for the next command

What it actually does by the deadline:
1) prompt user only if in terminal, if args are passed through a file it RAGE QUITS
2) parses tokens correctly, code is commented to display that info
3) parses tokens into commands by seperating at a pipe
4) passes the arguments through the search function
5) exit works, except it can't pass other exit codes
6) cd works, only tested for one folder though
7) it can run commands such as ls -l and other commands 
8) wasn't able to test for more commands

Known Bugs:
1) when a command is finished the prompt doesn't display in the right spot

I adopted the code for searching, exit, and cd from jmesmon on github

Note: I put a lot of time working into this, I'm pretty upset I wasn't able to fully complete it overall time spent: 45 hours + I think I put a sufficient amount of time into but things happen and this is how it had to be submitted.