
Testing module for command-line client and plugins using folders as config

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This provides the testing framework for literate-programming command line client and its plugins.

This should be a developer dependency in the package. You can use npm install literate-programming-cli-test --save-dev if you like.

Then in the test script, you could do something like

var tests = require('literate-programming-test')();

    ["folder1", "-b seen test.md" ],
    ["first",  "first.md second.md"],
    ["lprc", ""],
    ["encoding", "-e ucs2 ucs2.md -b ."]

The require function returns a function that generates the tests function using the command provided to execute the literate-programming command. Typically, install litpro as a dev dependency and then the default will be correct. Otherwise, supply your command pathway.

Other than the default, this probably works to test any command-line functionality that generates files and directories. You can pass in an empty string to run different entirely different commands.

There is a second option for the returned module function. If you pass in "hideConsole", then any console output is not shown. It is still written to out.test and err.test where one can review it, but this option allows one to eliminate seeing all the console stuff when it is irrelevant to one's needs. Passing in true to the first argument preserves the default command if you need to have the second argument by itself.

The function tests expects a sequence of arrays where each entry specifies a test whose name is the first entry in the array and that is also the name of the directory under the folder tests. The second entry are the specific arguments to run. If you are not testing the command line options themselves, this can probably be left blank, particularly with a good lprc.js file.

This function has a set of directories it wipes out by default, namely build, cache, out.test, and err.test. To overwrite that behavior, put a reset.test file in your directory listing per line the directories or files that need to be wiped out to do a clean test.

The tests are based on a canonical directory whose contents are used as the template of what should be found.

The directory structure is tests/folder1/canonical where folder is the test folder. If canonical/great.txt exists, then the test will look for tests/folder1/great.txt and see that it works. Only the files in canonical are checked. Thus, this does not check for making extraneous files in the directory.

Beyond Strict Equality

The above describes using this as run this command and compare the resulting files using equality.

Sometimes that's not good enough. Sometimes you have JSON that might get stored differently, or lines in a different order. So the third argument for an array line specifies an object that, per file name, will take in a function that takes in the two text from the files and comes up with a true or false value. The signature is function (canonical, build) so (expected, actual) text setup.

The function has some methods that help: split will split the lines and make sure that equal lines are present, though the ordering may be different. This is actually a function that gets instantiated and one can pass in a line comparator to make it different than equality.

The other function is json which will parse both files as JSON and see if they have deep equality.

var tests = require('./index.js')("", "hideConsole");

    ["copy", "cp simple.txt copy.txt" ],
    ["replace", "cp simple.txt copy.txt", {
        "copy.txt" : function (can, bui) {
            bui = bui.toString().replace("hi", "bye");
            return bui === can.toString();
    ["json",  "", {   "stuff.json" : tests.json }],
    ["scrambled", "",  { "scrambled.txt" : tests.split() }]

Automated Setup

The design of this plugin has a lot of files to make a test. I don't like that. So we can also have the plugin parse out a single file into multiple files.

To trigger this, use *name for the first argument in the test item's array. Then it will look for name.md in the tests directory and create, if necessary, the directory tests/name and populate it with the files found in the name.md Files are separated by ---filename for inputs (sitting in the top name directory or ===filename for those that should be in the canonical directory. Subdirectories are fine, just use / for them.


And then in cmd.md

if (args.file.length === 0) {
    args.file = ["project.md"];
args.build = ".";
args.src = ".";

require('litpro-jshint')(Folder, args);


    some code

[dude.txt](# "save:")

some code
(whatever the output oughta be ... run it once and past it in if it looks
Maybe if testing error issues

So that could be a test specification and everything should be good to go.

Note that if the leading text has no leading colon or equals, then the text is ignored until the first ---: or ---=. Also, ---# will trigger a block that is ignore. Finally, a plain --- with no :=# following it will be appended to the previous block (ignored if the previous block is the leading text being ignored).