This is a plugin for litpro. Install that and then you can use this by requiring it in the lprc.js file.
It is automatically included in literate-programming.
This plugin provides a single command: jshint
. It takes three
arguments: options, globals, name
Options should be an object containing configuration options for
JSHint. This can be conveniently created
as an argument using the kv subcommand: | jshint kv(unused, true() )
The second argument is an array for globals. Just write them out. If you
want to be able to write to them without a warning, use :true
after the
name. So for example jshint , arr($, console, require, state:true)
would set those variables as globals and allow module to be written to.
The third argument is a name to be written associated with it. The default
is roughly of the form BLOCK: ... FILE: ...