
Sklearn estimators which generate program that use all data types and control structures.

Primary LanguagePython


Machine learning algorithms implemented in Sci-kit learn Estimators for the purposes of program synthesis (aka automatic programming). Programs are expressed in the Push language and executed using the Plushi interpreter.

Search/ML Algorithms

  1. Genetic programming
  2. Simmulated annealing

Example Usage

The below Python snippet attempts to evolve the ReLU function, and prints the best program found throughout evolution and its training MSE.

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn_program_synthesis.estimators import ProgramSynthesizer

X = np.arange(-2, 2, 0.1).reshape(-1, 1)
y = np.array([[x if x > 0 else 0 for x in X]]).flatten()

prog_synth = ProgramSynthesizer(arity=X.shape[1],
                                types=['exec', 'float'],

prog_synth.fit(X, y)
y_hat_train = prog_synth.predict(X)

print(mean_squared_error(y, y_hat_train))

Run Benchmarks

To run the benchmark, you will need a Plushi standalone .jar (see next section).

pip install -r requirements.pip
java -jar plushi-standalone.jar --start
python run_benchmarks.py [problem name] [search method]
Problem/Dataset Type
relu regression
iris classification
diabetes regression
Search Method Argument
Genetic Programming evoltuion
Simulated annealing annealing


Plushi is an embeddable, language agnostic Push language interpreter. This repo requires the use of a standalone .jar file. You can read more about the project on its GitHub page.
