This application uses React 17.0.2 to implement a todo application.
- React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces.
React focuses mainly on providing composable user interfaces to enable developers to build an appealing website or web app. React does not force the user to utilize a particular design pattern, but it does provide useful hooks to implement an MVC pattern, if desired.
Model: Todo reducer (reducer.js)
View: React ui components
Controller: App component + useReducer hook
Model: Maintains the data and behavior of an application
View: Displays the model in the ui
Controller: Serves as an interface between view & model components
To build the static files, this application utilizes webpack. It minifies and optimizes output files and copies all necessary files to a dist
The only requirement is an installation of Node, to be able to install dependencies and run scripts to serve a local server.
* Node (min version: 18.13.0)
* NPM (min version: 8.19.3)
1. npm install
2. npm run start