Terminal based AI chatbot with infinite personalities, using local LLMs with Ollama and LiteLLM.
This is basically just Ollama with model switching and personality switching, without having to use modelfiles.
Also available for IRC and Matrix chat protocols.
Install and familiarize yourself with Ollama, make sure you can run offline LLMs, etc.
You can install it with this command:
curl https://ollama.ai/install.sh | sh
Once it's all set up, you'll need to download the models you want to use. You can play with the available ones and see what works best for you. Add those to the self.models dictionary. If you want to use the ones I've included, just run the commands in the models.md file. You can skip this part, and they should download when the model is switched, but the response will be delayed until it finishes downloading.
You'll also need to install rich and litellm
pip3 install rich litellm
python3 ollamarama.py
help shows the help menu
reset resets to default personality
clear resets and clears the screen
stock or default sets bot to stock model settings
persona activates personality changer
custom use a custom system prompt
change model list models and change the current model
reset model reset to default model
change temperature changes temperature
change top_p changes top_p
change repeat_penalty changes repeat_penalty
quit or exit exits the program