Terraform is an increasingly popular open-source infrastructure as code software tool built by HashiCorp. It enables you to define, provision and manage infrastructure across multiple cloud and datacenter resources. Terraform takes an infrastructure as code approach by using using a high-level configuration language known as Hashicorp Configuration Language to define the creation, modification and deletion resources. Terraform differs from traditional configuration management tools such as Ansible as it is known for keeping state of the infrastructure, once you define your desired state through Terraform config files. Terraform looks to build your infrastucture, records its current state and always looks to maintain the desired state the config specifies. In the next few exercises we will explore some of the key concepts behind Terraform.

Table of Contents

1. Getting familiar with Terraform commands and files

  • Clone the following Git repository

git clone https://github.com/conmurphy/hands-on-lab-terraform.git

  • Navigate to the folder containing the first lesson

cd hands-on-lab-terraform/lesson_01/

  • In a browser go to and login (admin/C1sco12345)

  • Verify that no tenant exists with your Cisco username

  • Initialise Terraform - This will download the required Terraform providers

terraform init

Click to see expected output
Initializing the backend...

  Initializing provider plugins...
  - Finding ciscodevnet/aci versions matching "0.4.1"...
  - Installing ciscodevnet/aci v0.4.1...
  - Installed ciscodevnet/aci v0.4.1 (signed by a HashiCorp partner, key ID 433649E2C56309DE)

  Partner and community providers are signed by their developers.
  If you'd like to know more about provider signing, you can read about it here:

  Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider
  selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository
  so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when
  you run "terraform init" in the future.

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

  on main.tf line 15, in provider "aci":
  15:   username = "${var.apic_username}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 7 more similar warnings elsewhere)

  Terraform has been successfully initialized!

  You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
  any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
  should now work.

  If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
  rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
  commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.
  • Perform a dry run of your Terraform configuration using the plan command. You should see resources that will be created.

terraform plan

  • You will need to enter the ACI URL, username, and password. Use your username for the tenant name
Enter a value: conmurphy (use your own CCO here)

Enter a value: C1sco12345

Enter a value:

Enter a value: admin
Click to see expected output
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
+ create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

# aci_application_epg.db will be created
+ resource "aci_application_epg" "db" {
    + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
    + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
    + description            = "this is the database epg created by terraform"
    + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
    + flood_on_encap         = "disabled"
    + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
    + has_mcast_source       = "no"
    + id                     = (known after apply)
    + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
    + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
    + name                   = "db"
    + name_alias             = "db"
    + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
    + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
    + prio                   = "unspecified"
    + shutdown               = "no"

# aci_application_epg.web will be created
+ resource "aci_application_epg" "web" {
    + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
    + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
    + description            = "this is the web epg created by terraform"
    + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
    + flood_on_encap         = "disabled"
    + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
    + has_mcast_source       = "no"
    + id                     = (known after apply)
    + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
    + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
    + name                   = "web"
    + name_alias             = "web"
    + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
    + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
    + prio                   = "unspecified"
    + shutdown               = "no"

# aci_application_profile.myWebsite will be created
+ resource "aci_application_profile" "myWebsite" {
    + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
    + description = (known after apply)
    + id          = (known after apply)
    + name        = "my_website"
    + name_alias  = (known after apply)
    + prio        = (known after apply)
    + tenant_dn   = (known after apply)

# aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet will be created
+ resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet" {
    + annotation                  = "orchestrator:terraform"
    + arp_flood                   = (known after apply)
    + bridge_domain_type          = (known after apply)
    + description                 = "This bridge domain is created by the Terraform ACI provider"
    + ep_clear                    = (known after apply)
    + ep_move_detect_mode         = (known after apply)
    + host_based_routing          = (known after apply)
    + id                          = (known after apply)
    + intersite_bum_traffic_allow = (known after apply)
    + intersite_l2_stretch        = (known after apply)
    + ip_learning                 = (known after apply)
    + ipv6_mcast_allow            = (known after apply)
    + limit_ip_learn_to_subnets   = (known after apply)
    + ll_addr                     = (known after apply)
    + mac                         = (known after apply)
    + mcast_allow                 = (known after apply)
    + multi_dst_pkt_act           = (known after apply)
    + name                        = "bd_for_subnet"
    + name_alias                  = (known after apply)
    + optimize_wan_bandwidth      = (known after apply)
    + tenant_dn                   = (known after apply)
    + unicast_route               = (known after apply)
    + unk_mac_ucast_act           = (known after apply)
    + unk_mcast_act               = (known after apply)
    + v6unk_mcast_act             = (known after apply)
    + vmac                        = (known after apply)

# aci_subnet.demosubnet will be created
+ resource "aci_subnet" "demosubnet" {
    + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
    + ctrl        = (known after apply)
    + description = "This subject is created by Terraform"
    + id          = (known after apply)
    + ip          = ""
    + name_alias  = (known after apply)
    + parent_dn   = (known after apply)
    + preferred   = (known after apply)
    + scope       = "private"
    + virtual     = (known after apply)

# aci_tenant.aci_tenant will be created
+ resource "aci_tenant" "aci_tenant" {
    + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
    + description = (known after apply)
    + id          = (known after apply)
    + name        = "conmurphy"
    + name_alias  = (known after apply)

Plan: 6 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

on main.tf line 15, in provider "aci":
15:   username = "${var.apic_username}"

Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

(and 7 more similar warnings elsewhere)


Note: You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraform
can't guarantee that exactly these actions will be performed if
"terraform apply" is subsequently run.
  • Push the configuration to the ACI fabric using the apply command

terraform apply --auto-approve

  • You will need to enter the ACI URL, username, and password. Use your username for the tenant name
Enter a value: conmurphy

Enter a value: C1sco12345

Enter a value:

Enter a value: admin
Click to see expected output
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Creating...
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creating...
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creation complete after 0s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website]
  aci_application_epg.db: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.web: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creation complete after 5s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.web: Creation complete after 5s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.db: Creation complete after 5s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creation complete after 0s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on main.tf line 15, in provider "aci":
    15:   username = "${var.apic_username}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 7 more similar warnings elsewhere)

  Apply complete! Resources: 6 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
  • Verify in the ACI GUI in the Tenants tab that your new tenant has been created and within the tenant a new application profile has been created.

  • Destroy your ACI tenant and all objects within that tenant.

terraform destroy -auto-approve

  • You will need to enter the ACI URL, username, and password. Use your username for the tenant name

  • You will also need to type yes when asked if you really want to destroy all resources?

Enter a value: conmurphy

Enter a value: C1sco12345

Enter a value:

Enter a value: admin
Click to see expected output
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
 Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
   - destroy

 Terraform will perform the following actions:

   # aci_application_epg.db will be destroyed
   - resource "aci_application_epg" "db" {
       - annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform" -> null
       - application_profile_dn = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website" -> null
       - description            = "this is the database epg created by terraform" -> null
       - flood_on_encap         = "disabled" -> null
       - has_mcast_source       = "no" -> null
       - id                     = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db" -> null
       - is_attr_based_epg      = "no" -> null
       - match_t                = "AtleastOne" -> null
       - name                   = "db" -> null
       - name_alias             = "db" -> null
       - pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced" -> null
       - pref_gr_memb           = "exclude" -> null
       - prio                   = "unspecified" -> null
       - shutdown               = "no" -> null

   # aci_application_epg.web will be destroyed
   - resource "aci_application_epg" "web" {
       - annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform" -> null
       - application_profile_dn = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website" -> null
       - description            = "this is the web epg created by terraform" -> null
       - flood_on_encap         = "disabled" -> null
       - has_mcast_source       = "no" -> null
       - id                     = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web" -> null
       - is_attr_based_epg      = "no" -> null
       - match_t                = "AtleastOne" -> null
       - name                   = "web" -> null
       - name_alias             = "web" -> null
       - pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced" -> null
       - pref_gr_memb           = "exclude" -> null
       - prio                   = "unspecified" -> null
       - shutdown               = "no" -> null

   # aci_application_profile.myWebsite will be destroyed
   - resource "aci_application_profile" "myWebsite" {
       - annotation = "orchestrator:terraform" -> null
       - id         = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website" -> null
       - name       = "my_website" -> null
       - prio       = "unspecified" -> null
       - tenant_dn  = "uni/tn-conmurphy" -> null

   # aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet will be destroyed
   - resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet" {
       - annotation                  = "orchestrator:terraform" -> null
       - arp_flood                   = "no" -> null
       - bridge_domain_type          = "regular" -> null
       - description                 = "This bridge domain is created by the Terraform ACI provider" -> null
       - ep_clear                    = "no" -> null
       - host_based_routing          = "no" -> null
       - id                          = "uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet" -> null
       - intersite_bum_traffic_allow = "no" -> null
       - intersite_l2_stretch        = "no" -> null
       - ip_learning                 = "yes" -> null
       - limit_ip_learn_to_subnets   = "yes" -> null
       - ll_addr                     = "::" -> null
       - mac                         = "00:22:BD:F8:19:FF" -> null
       - mcast_allow                 = "no" -> null
       - multi_dst_pkt_act           = "bd-flood" -> null
       - name                        = "bd_for_subnet" -> null
       - optimize_wan_bandwidth      = "no" -> null
       - tenant_dn                   = "uni/tn-conmurphy" -> null
       - unicast_route               = "yes" -> null
       - unk_mac_ucast_act           = "proxy" -> null
       - unk_mcast_act               = "flood" -> null
       - v6unk_mcast_act             = "flood" -> null
       - vmac                        = "not-applicable" -> null

   # aci_subnet.demosubnet will be destroyed
   - resource "aci_subnet" "demosubnet" {
       - annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform" -> null
       - ctrl        = "nd" -> null
       - description = "This subject is created by Terraform" -> null
       - id          = "uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]" -> null
       - ip          = "" -> null
       - parent_dn   = "uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet" -> null
       - preferred   = "no" -> null
       - scope       = "private" -> null
       - virtual     = "no" -> null

   # aci_tenant.aci_tenant will be destroyed
   - resource "aci_tenant" "aci_tenant" {
       - annotation = "orchestrator:terraform" -> null
       - id         = "uni/tn-conmurphy" -> null
       - name       = "conmurphy" -> null

 Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 6 to destroy.

 Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

   on main.tf line 15, in provider "aci":
   15:   username = "${var.apic_username}"

 Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
 provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
 silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
 sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

 Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
 expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
 mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
 to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

 (and 7 more similar warnings elsewhere)

 Do you really want to destroy all resources?
   Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above.
   There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.

   Enter a value: yes

 aci_subnet.demosubnet: Destroying... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]
 aci_application_epg.web: Destroying... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
 aci_application_epg.db: Destroying... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
 aci_subnet.demosubnet: Destruction complete after 2s
 aci_application_epg.db: Destruction complete after 2s
 aci_application_epg.web: Destruction complete after 2s
 aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Destroying... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet]
 aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Destroying... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website]
 aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Destruction complete after 0s
 aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Destruction complete after 0s
 aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Destroying... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]
 aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Destruction complete after 0s

 Destroy complete! Resources: 6 destroyed.

2. Config structure and variables

  • Navigate to the next lesson

cd hands-on-lab-terraform/lesson_02/

You will notice that instead of a single main.tf file we now have multiple .tf files. By default Terraform will read all .tf files in the directory from which the Terraform command was ran.

The names of the files do not matter so long as they end in .tf. In our example we have split the files into their specific purposes.

Click to get more details on each file


  terraform {
    required_providers {
      aci = {
        source = "ciscodevnet/aci"
        version = "0.4.1"
    required_version = ">= 0.13.4"

We define the providers and required versions as well as the version of Terraform that we will require


  provider "aci" {
    username = "${var.apic_username}"
    password = "${var.apic_password}"
    url      = "${var.apic_url}"
    insecure = true

This points Terraform to our ACI provider. It references the variables we will receive from the user input


  variable "aci_tenant" {}
  variable "apic_url" {}
  variable "apic_username" {}
  variable "apic_password" {}

This lets Terraform know that we expect four variables. We could also define a default value if needed.

  variable "aci_tenant" {}
  variable "apic_url" {
    default = "https://sandboxapicdc.cisco.com"
  variable "apic_username" {}
  variable "apic_password" {}


  apic_url = "https://sandboxapicdc.cisco.com"
  apic_username = "admin"

We need to initialise variables within Terraform. This is the previous step. If we don't provide any default values Terraform will ask for this through the input prompt when we run the terraform plan and terraform apply commands. This was the behaviour we saw in the previous lesson.

If we want to define values for the Terraform variables, but want to keep them out of the code, we can add them to a separate file call terraform.tfvars. An example of this may be credentials or specific environment configuration that we don't want committed to our version control system.

Alternatively you can define an environmental variable using the prefix TF_VAR. For example, TF_VAR_apic_url



We've included all our ACI Terraform configuration in this file. This works for our small example however it can quickly grow. Later on we will look at examples how to break your infrastructure configuration into smaller, more manageable pieces.

  • Verify that no tenant exists with your Cisco username

  • Initialise Terraform - This will download the required Terraform providers

terraform init

Click to see expected output
Initializing the backend...

  Initializing provider plugins...
  - Finding ciscodevnet/aci versions matching "0.4.1"...
  - Installing ciscodevnet/aci v0.4.1...
  - Installed ciscodevnet/aci v0.4.1 (signed by a HashiCorp partner, key ID 433649E2C56309DE)

  Partner and community providers are signed by their developers.
  If you'd like to know more about provider signing, you can read about it here:

  Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider
  selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository
  so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when
  you run "terraform init" in the future.

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

  on main.tf line 15, in provider "aci":
  15:   username = "${var.apic_username}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 7 more similar warnings elsewhere)

  Terraform has been successfully initialized!

  You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
  any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
  should now work.

  If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
  rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
  commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.
  • Perform a dry run of your Terraform configuration using the plan command. You should see resources that will be created.

terraform plan

  • Note that this time you are only asked for your tenant name and ACI password. This is because the terraform.tfvars file contains the values for the apic_url and apic_username. Use your username for the tenant name
Enter a value: conmurphy

Enter a value: C1sco12345
Click to see expected output
  An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
  Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
    + create

  Terraform will perform the following actions:

    # aci_application_epg.db will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "db" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the database epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "disabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "db"
        + name_alias             = "db"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # aci_application_epg.web will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "web" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the web epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "disabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "web"
        + name_alias             = "web"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # aci_application_profile.myWebsite will be created
    + resource "aci_application_profile" "myWebsite" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + description = (known after apply)
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + name        = "my_website"
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)
        + prio        = (known after apply)
        + tenant_dn   = (known after apply)

    # aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet will be created
    + resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet" {
        + annotation                  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + arp_flood                   = (known after apply)
        + bridge_domain_type          = (known after apply)
        + description                 = "This bridge domain is created by the Terraform ACI provider"
        + ep_clear                    = (known after apply)
        + ep_move_detect_mode         = (known after apply)
        + host_based_routing          = (known after apply)
        + id                          = (known after apply)
        + intersite_bum_traffic_allow = (known after apply)
        + intersite_l2_stretch        = (known after apply)
        + ip_learning                 = (known after apply)
        + ipv6_mcast_allow            = (known after apply)
        + limit_ip_learn_to_subnets   = (known after apply)
        + ll_addr                     = (known after apply)
        + mac                         = (known after apply)
        + mcast_allow                 = (known after apply)
        + multi_dst_pkt_act           = (known after apply)
        + name                        = "bd_for_subnet"
        + name_alias                  = (known after apply)
        + optimize_wan_bandwidth      = (known after apply)
        + tenant_dn                   = (known after apply)
        + unicast_route               = (known after apply)
        + unk_mac_ucast_act           = (known after apply)
        + unk_mcast_act               = (known after apply)
        + v6unk_mcast_act             = (known after apply)
        + vmac                        = (known after apply)

    # aci_subnet.demosubnet will be created
    + resource "aci_subnet" "demosubnet" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + ctrl        = (known after apply)
        + description = "This subject is created by Terraform"
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + ip          = ""
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)
        + parent_dn   = (known after apply)
        + preferred   = (known after apply)
        + scope       = "private"
        + virtual     = (known after apply)

    # aci_tenant.aci_tenant will be created
    + resource "aci_tenant" "aci_tenant" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + description = (known after apply)
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + name        = "conmurphy"
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)

  Plan: 6 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 7 more similar warnings elsewhere)


  Note: You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraform
  can't guarantee that exactly these actions will be performed if
  "terraform apply" is subsequently run.
  • Push the configuration to the ACI fabric using the apply command

terraform apply --auto-approve

  • Note that this time you are only asked for your tenant name and ACI password. This is because the terraform.tfvars file contains the values for the apic_url and apic_username. Use your username for the tenant name
Enter a value: conmurphy

Enter a value: C1sco12345
Click to see expected output
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Creating...
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creating...
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creation complete after 0s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website]
  aci_application_epg.web: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.db: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creation complete after 3s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.web: Creation complete after 4s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]
  aci_application_epg.db: Creation complete after 4s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 7 more similar warnings elsewhere)

  Apply complete! Resources: 6 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
  • Verify in the ACI GUI in the Tenants tab that your new tenant has been created and within the tenant a new application profile has been created. Note that the ACI configuration has remained the same, we've simply split the Terraform configuration into separate files

  • Cleanup your ACI tenant and all objects within that tenant.

terraform destroy -auto-approve

3. More on Variables and Dependencies

We've already seen some variables used to store the URL, username, password, and ACI tenant name. We also have other options to store data, such as Terraform Local Values

Terraform locals are named values that you can refer to in your configuration. You can use local values to simplify your Terraform configuration and avoid repetition. Local values (locals) can also help you write more readable configuration by using meaningful names rather than hard-coding values.


  • Before we continue let's reduce the amount of input we need to provide by creating environmental variables for our tenant name and password



export TF_VAR_aci_tenant=<your username here>

export TF_VAR_apic_password=C1sco12345


set TF_VAR_aci_tenant=<your username here>

set TF_VAR_apic_password=C1sco12345

  • Navigate to the next lesson

cd hands-on-lab-terraform/lesson_03/

  • Open the variables.tf file and view the new local values we have.

Since our EPGs have a number of common properties we will store those in a local variable. If we need to change one in the future we only have to change it in this one place and all resources using the local variable will be updated.

  • Open the aci.tf file and have a look at the resource "aci_application_epg". See how we can reference the local variables with local.. For example, flood_on_encap = local.flood_on_encap

  • Initialise Terraform - This will download the required Terraform providers

terraform init

  • Push the configuration to the ACI fabric using the apply command

terraform apply --auto-approve

Click to see expected output
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Creating...
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creating...
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creation complete after 0s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website]
  aci_application_epg.web: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.db: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.web: Creation complete after 3s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]
  aci_application_epg.db: Creation complete after 3s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 4 more similar warnings elsewhere)

  Apply complete! Resources: 6 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
  • Open the variables.tf file and modified the local.flood_on_encap variable from enabled to disabled

  • Run a plan and look at the results

terraform plan

Click to see expected output
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website]
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet]
  aci_application_epg.web: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.db: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]

  An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
  Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
    ~ update in-place

  Terraform will perform the following actions:

    # aci_application_epg.db will be updated in-place
    ~ resource "aci_application_epg" "db" {
        ~ flood_on_encap               = "disabled" -> "enabled"
        + fwd_ctrl                     = "none"
          id                           = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db"
          name                         = "db"
          # (21 unchanged attributes hidden)

    # aci_application_epg.web will be updated in-place
    ~ resource "aci_application_epg" "web" {
        ~ flood_on_encap               = "disabled" -> "enabled"
        + fwd_ctrl                     = "none"
          id                           = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web"
          name                         = "web"
          # (21 unchanged attributes hidden)

  Plan: 0 to add, 2 to change, 0 to destroy.

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 4 more similar warnings elsewhere)


  Note: You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraform
  can't guarantee that exactly these actions will be performed if
  "terraform apply" is subsequently run.

As you can see, we have updated the variable in one location but the two EPGs using this variable will automatically be updated. This becomes very useful when we are working with large quantities of resources that have common properties.

Output Values

Terraform can also return and print values after a plan has been applied. This is through the use of the output value. This feature is useful when you start to use modules within Terraform.

  • Open the variables.tf file and after the locals block paste the following. Then save the file.
output "application_profile_id" {
  value = aci_application_profile.myWebsite.id
Click to show entire variables.tf file
  variable "apic_url" {}
  variable "apic_username" {}
  variable "apic_password" {}
  variable "aci_tenant" {}

  locals {
      flood_on_encap    = "enabled"
      fwd_ctrl          = "none"
      has_mcast_source  = "no"
      match_t           = "AtleastOne"
      name_alias        = "web"
      pc_enf_pref       = "unenforced"
      pref_gr_memb      = "exclude"
      prio              = "unspecified"
      shutdown          = "no"

  output "application_profile_id" {
    value = aci_application_profile.myWebsite.id
  • Re-run the apply command

terraform apply --auto-approve

Click to see expected output
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website]
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet]
  aci_application_epg.web: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.db: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]
  aci_application_epg.db: Modifying... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
  aci_application_epg.web: Modifying... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.web: Modifications complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.db: Modifications complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 4 more similar warnings elsewhere)

  Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 2 changed, 0 destroyed.


  application_profile_id = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website"

You should see right at the very end an Output Value with the ID of your application profile.

  • Open the variables.tf file and delete the output variable in preparation for the next lesson. Then save the file.
output "application_profile_id" {
  value = aci_application_profile.myWebsite.id


ACI, just like many other products is built using many different objects. These object often relate to each other in some way. For example, an EPG is contained within an Application Profile (AP), and an AP lives in a Tenant.

We can see these relationships in our ACI configuration.

  • Open the aci.tf file and look at the resource resource "aci_application_epg" "web"

To tell ACI which AP this EPG belongs to we can reference the AP resource.

  • Look at the next line, application_profile_dn = "${aci_application_profile.myWebsite.id}"

This means that the ID or distinguished name of the application profile to which this EPG belongs is the ID of an application profile called myWebsite.

  • In the aci.tf file locate the resource "aci_application_profile" "myWebsite" which should be right above the EPG.

You can also see that the application profile is linked to the Tenant ID in the same way.

Important Notes:

  • Terraform will automatically link these resources together when a plan is applied. There is an inherent dependency because one resource is referencing another. That means a tenant will be created before an AP, and an AP created before and EPG.

  • In the case where you don't have a link between two resources but need to ensure one resource is created before another, you can use depends_on


3b. Understanding Terraform State

So far we've been configuring our ACI fabric with Terraform however how is the configuration tracked?

This is performed through the use of a Statefile.

Click to read more about Terraform state

Terraform must store state about your managed infrastructure and configuration. This state is used by Terraform to map real world resources to your configuration, keep track of metadata, and to improve performance for large infrastructures.

This state is stored by default in a local file named "terraform.tfstate", but it can also be stored remotely, which works better in a team environment.


- If you're not still in lesson_03, navigate to the folder

cd hands-on-lab-terraform/lesson_03/

  • Run another plan and confirm that no new objects are created.

terraform plan

  • Note that you may see some updates but you shouldn't see any new creations as the tenant and objects should still be existing from the previous apply
Click to see expected output
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website]
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet]
  aci_application_epg.db: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
  aci_application_epg.web: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]

  An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
  Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
    ~ update in-place

  Terraform will perform the following actions:

    # aci_application_epg.db will be updated in-place
    ~ resource "aci_application_epg" "db" {
        + fwd_ctrl                     = "none"
          id                           = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db"
          name                         = "db"
          # (22 unchanged attributes hidden)

    # aci_application_epg.web will be updated in-place
    ~ resource "aci_application_epg" "web" {
        + fwd_ctrl                     = "none"
          id                           = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web"
          name                         = "web"
          # (22 unchanged attributes hidden)

  Plan: 0 to add, 2 to change, 0 to destroy.

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 7 more similar warnings elsewhere)


  Note: You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraform
  can't guarantee that exactly these actions will be performed if
  "terraform apply" is subsequently run.

  • Open the terraform.tfstate file in a text editor and have a look through. This is all the configuration that Terraform knows about in relation to your ACI fabric. It contains all of the managed resources like Tenant, App profile, and EPGs, including properties that we haven't configured in our Terraform files.

IMPORTANT POINT: Terraform works by looking at the difference between the configuration in your .tf files and the configuration it knows about in the terraform.tfstate file. Based on this comparison it determines what operation needs to take place (Create, Update, or Delete a resource).

What happens if we remove the state file?

  • Rename the statefile so Terraform can't find it

Mac mv terraform.tfstate terraform.tfstate_hidden

Windows ren terraform.tfstate terraform.tfstate_hidden

  • Run another plan and notice that Terraform is planning to create new ACI Tenant, APN, EPG, and BD objects.

terraform plan

Click to see expected output
  An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
  Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
    + create

  Terraform will perform the following actions:

    # aci_application_epg.db will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "db" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the database epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "disabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "db"
        + name_alias             = "db"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # aci_application_epg.web will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "web" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the web epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "disabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "web"
        + name_alias             = "web"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # aci_application_profile.myWebsite will be created
    + resource "aci_application_profile" "myWebsite" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + description = (known after apply)
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + name        = "my_website"
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)
        + prio        = (known after apply)
        + tenant_dn   = (known after apply)

    # aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet will be created
    + resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet" {
        + annotation                  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + arp_flood                   = (known after apply)
        + bridge_domain_type          = (known after apply)
        + description                 = "This bridge domain is created by the Terraform ACI provider"
        + ep_clear                    = (known after apply)
        + ep_move_detect_mode         = (known after apply)
        + host_based_routing          = (known after apply)
        + id                          = (known after apply)
        + intersite_bum_traffic_allow = (known after apply)
        + intersite_l2_stretch        = (known after apply)
        + ip_learning                 = (known after apply)
        + ipv6_mcast_allow            = (known after apply)
        + limit_ip_learn_to_subnets   = (known after apply)
        + ll_addr                     = (known after apply)
        + mac                         = (known after apply)
        + mcast_allow                 = (known after apply)
        + multi_dst_pkt_act           = (known after apply)
        + name                        = "bd_for_subnet"
        + name_alias                  = (known after apply)
        + optimize_wan_bandwidth      = (known after apply)
        + tenant_dn                   = (known after apply)
        + unicast_route               = (known after apply)
        + unk_mac_ucast_act           = (known after apply)
        + unk_mcast_act               = (known after apply)
        + v6unk_mcast_act             = (known after apply)
        + vmac                        = (known after apply)

    # aci_subnet.demosubnet will be created
    + resource "aci_subnet" "demosubnet" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + ctrl        = (known after apply)
        + description = "This subject is created by Terraform"
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + ip          = ""
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)
        + parent_dn   = (known after apply)
        + preferred   = (known after apply)
        + scope       = "private"
        + virtual     = (known after apply)

    # aci_tenant.aci_tenant will be created
    + resource "aci_tenant" "aci_tenant" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + description = (known after apply)
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + name        = "conmurphy"
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)

  Plan: 6 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 7 more similar warnings elsewhere)


  Note: You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraform
  can't guarantee that exactly these actions will be performed if
  "terraform apply" is subsequently run.

This is a key principle of how Terraform works. Terraform will only interact with the objects that it knows about. It won't automatically discover what has already been configured in the environment. (See importing later on)

Since we effectively removed the statefile, Terraform did not know the ACI objects already existed and tried to recreate them.

Will the plan apply correctly since the objects already exist?

  • Push the configuration to the ACI fabric using the apply command

terraform apply --auto-approve

Click to see expected output
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Creating...
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creating...
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creation complete after 0s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website]
  aci_application_epg.web: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.db: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.web: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.db: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creation complete after 0s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 7 more similar warnings elsewhere)

  Apply complete! Resources: 6 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

As you can see the apply should have gone through successfully, even though the ACI objects already exist. Note that this behaviour is dependent on the Terraform provider.

In some cases you may receive an error that the object already exists. In that case you would need to import the existing configuration into your Terraform state file.

In our example, ACI is able to determine that the object exists and can update the existing configuration

You'll also note that you should now have a new terraform.tfstate file alongside your terraform.tfstate_hidden file. This is because terraform did not find a file with the name, terraform.tfstate, and created a new one for you.

What happens if delete the Terraform ACI config?

  • Rename the ACI configuration file so Terraform can't find it

Mac mv aci.tf aci.tf_hidden

Windows ren aci.tf aci.tf_hidden

  • Run another plan and notice that Terraform is planning to delete all of your ACI configuration!

terraform plan

Click to see expected output
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]
  aci_application_epg.web: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.db: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet]
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website]

  An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
  Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
    - destroy

  Terraform will perform the following actions:

    # aci_application_epg.db will be destroyed
    - resource "aci_application_epg" "db" {
        - annotation                   = "orchestrator:terraform" -> null
        - application_profile_dn       = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website" -> null
        - description                  = "this is the database epg created by terraform" -> null
        - flood_on_encap               = "disabled" -> null
        - has_mcast_source             = "no" -> null
        - id                           = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db" -> null
        - is_attr_based_epg            = "no" -> null
        - match_t                      = "AtleastOne" -> null
        - name                         = "db" -> null
        - name_alias                   = "db" -> null
        - pc_enf_pref                  = "unenforced" -> null
        - pref_gr_memb                 = "exclude" -> null
        - prio                         = "unspecified" -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_cons          = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_cons_if       = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_fc_path_att   = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_graph_def     = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_intra_epg     = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_node_att      = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_prot_by       = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_prov          = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_prov_def      = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_sec_inherited = [] -> null
        - shutdown                     = "no" -> null

    # aci_application_epg.web will be destroyed
    - resource "aci_application_epg" "web" {
        - annotation                   = "orchestrator:terraform" -> null
        - application_profile_dn       = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website" -> null
        - description                  = "this is the web epg created by terraform" -> null
        - flood_on_encap               = "disabled" -> null
        - has_mcast_source             = "no" -> null
        - id                           = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web" -> null
        - is_attr_based_epg            = "no" -> null
        - match_t                      = "AtleastOne" -> null
        - name                         = "web" -> null
        - name_alias                   = "web" -> null
        - pc_enf_pref                  = "unenforced" -> null
        - pref_gr_memb                 = "exclude" -> null
        - prio                         = "unspecified" -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_cons          = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_cons_if       = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_fc_path_att   = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_graph_def     = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_intra_epg     = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_node_att      = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_prot_by       = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_prov          = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_prov_def      = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_sec_inherited = [] -> null
        - shutdown                     = "no" -> null

    # aci_application_profile.myWebsite will be destroyed
    - resource "aci_application_profile" "myWebsite" {
        - annotation = "orchestrator:terraform" -> null
        - id         = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website" -> null
        - name       = "my_website" -> null
        - prio       = "unspecified" -> null
        - tenant_dn  = "uni/tn-conmurphy" -> null

    # aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet will be destroyed
    - resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet" {
        - annotation                  = "orchestrator:terraform" -> null
        - arp_flood                   = "no" -> null
        - bridge_domain_type          = "regular" -> null
        - description                 = "This bridge domain is created by the Terraform ACI provider" -> null
        - ep_clear                    = "no" -> null
        - host_based_routing          = "no" -> null
        - id                          = "uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet" -> null
        - intersite_bum_traffic_allow = "no" -> null
        - intersite_l2_stretch        = "no" -> null
        - ip_learning                 = "yes" -> null
        - limit_ip_learn_to_subnets   = "yes" -> null
        - ll_addr                     = "::" -> null
        - mac                         = "00:22:BD:F8:19:FF" -> null
        - mcast_allow                 = "no" -> null
        - multi_dst_pkt_act           = "bd-flood" -> null
        - name                        = "bd_for_subnet" -> null
        - optimize_wan_bandwidth      = "no" -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_bd_flood_to  = [] -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_bd_to_out    = [] -> null
        - tenant_dn                   = "uni/tn-conmurphy" -> null
        - unicast_route               = "yes" -> null
        - unk_mac_ucast_act           = "proxy" -> null
        - unk_mcast_act               = "flood" -> null
        - v6unk_mcast_act             = "flood" -> null
        - vmac                        = "not-applicable" -> null

    # aci_subnet.demosubnet will be destroyed
    - resource "aci_subnet" "demosubnet" {
        - annotation                      = "orchestrator:terraform" -> null
        - ctrl                            = "nd" -> null
        - description                     = "This subject is created by Terraform" -> null
        - id                              = "uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]" -> null
        - ip                              = "" -> null
        - parent_dn                       = "uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet" -> null
        - preferred                       = "no" -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_bd_subnet_to_out = [] -> null
        - scope                           = "private" -> null
        - virtual                         = "no" -> null

    # aci_tenant.aci_tenant will be destroyed
    - resource "aci_tenant" "aci_tenant" {
        - annotation                  = "orchestrator:terraform" -> null
        - id                          = "uni/tn-conmurphy" -> null
        - name                        = "conmurphy" -> null
        - relation_fv_rs_tn_deny_rule = [] -> null

  Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 6 to destroy.

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on providers.tf line 3, in provider "aci":
    3:   username = "${var.apic_username}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 2 more similar warnings elsewhere)


  Note: You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraform
  can't guarantee that exactly these actions will be performed if
  "terraform apply" is subsequently run.

Just like the previous example with the statefile, this is another key principle of how Terraform works. As noted above, Terraform looks at the difference between the state file and the configuration in the .tf files.

In this example Terraform saw that the ACI fabric was configured (terraform.tfstate file) but could not find any required ACI configuration (we hid the aci.tf file).

Based on this it assumed the ACI configuration was no longer needed and removed it from the fabric (delete operation).

Example of when things go wrong

  • Cleanup your ACI configuration and all objects within that tenant.

terraform destroy -auto-approve

4. Resources vs Data Source

So far we've been creating, updating, and deleting resources with Terraform. What happens if a resource is already configured and we simply need to reference it?

We can use the Terraform data source to access configuration created outside of Terraform or by another Terraform plan. The data source is read only


  • Navigate to the folder containing the next lesson

cd hands-on-lab-terraform/lesson_04/

  • Open aci.tf in your text editor and have a look at the aci_tenant. As you can see, rather than resource "aci_tenant" "aci_tenant" { we are using data "aci_tenant" "aci_tenant" {

Notice that we are specifying the name of a tenant, common. Terraform will not create a tenant like in previous lessons but instead use this existing tenant to create our application profiles and EPGs.

  • Initialise Terraform

terraform init

  • Run a plan and look at the results

terraform plan

  • When prompted for the aci_app_name use your username
    Enter a value: conmurphy
Click to see expected output
  An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
  Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
    + create

  Terraform will perform the following actions:

    # aci_application_epg.db will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "db" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the database epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "enabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "db"
        + name_alias             = "db"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # aci_application_epg.web will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "web" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the web epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "enabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "web"
        + name_alias             = "web"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # aci_application_profile.myWebsite will be created
    + resource "aci_application_profile" "myWebsite" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + description = (known after apply)
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + name        = "conmurphy"
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)
        + prio        = (known after apply)
        + tenant_dn   = "uni/tn-common"

    # aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet will be created
    + resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet" {
        + annotation                  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + arp_flood                   = (known after apply)
        + bridge_domain_type          = (known after apply)
        + description                 = "This bridge domain is created by the Terraform ACI provider"
        + ep_clear                    = (known after apply)
        + ep_move_detect_mode         = (known after apply)
        + host_based_routing          = (known after apply)
        + id                          = (known after apply)
        + intersite_bum_traffic_allow = (known after apply)
        + intersite_l2_stretch        = (known after apply)
        + ip_learning                 = (known after apply)
        + ipv6_mcast_allow            = (known after apply)
        + limit_ip_learn_to_subnets   = (known after apply)
        + ll_addr                     = (known after apply)
        + mac                         = (known after apply)
        + mcast_allow                 = (known after apply)
        + multi_dst_pkt_act           = (known after apply)
        + name                        = "bd_for_subnet"
        + name_alias                  = (known after apply)
        + optimize_wan_bandwidth      = (known after apply)
        + tenant_dn                   = "uni/tn-common"
        + unicast_route               = (known after apply)
        + unk_mac_ucast_act           = (known after apply)
        + unk_mcast_act               = (known after apply)
        + v6unk_mcast_act             = (known after apply)
        + vmac                        = (known after apply)

    # aci_subnet.demosubnet will be created
    + resource "aci_subnet" "demosubnet" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + ctrl        = (known after apply)
        + description = "This subject is created by Terraform"
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + ip          = ""
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)
        + parent_dn   = (known after apply)
        + preferred   = (known after apply)
        + scope       = "private"
        + virtual     = (known after apply)

  Plan: 5 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

  Changes to Outputs:
    + application_profile_id = (known after apply)


  Note: You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraform
  can't guarantee that exactly these actions will be performed if
  "terraform apply" is subsequently run.
  • Notice in the output that the resource aci_application_profile references the tenant common

  • Apply the configuration to the ACI fabric with your username as the aci_app_name

terraform apply --auto-approve

Click to see expected output
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creating...
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creation complete after 0s [id=uni/tn-common/ap-conmurphy]
  aci_application_epg.web: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.db: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-common/BD-bd_for_subnet]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.db: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-common/ap-conmurphy/epg-db]
  aci_application_epg.web: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-common/ap-conmurphy/epg-web]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-common/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]

  Apply complete! Resources: 5 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


  application_profile_id = "uni/tn-common/ap-conmurphy"
  • In a browser go to and login (admin/C1sco12345)

  • Click on the Tenant tab and then double click to view the common tenant

  • Expand the Application Profiles and verify that a profile with your username exists

  • Cleanup your ACI configuration and all objects within that tenant.

terraform destroy -auto-approve

5. Importing existing configuratiion

  • Navigate to the folder containing the next lesson

cd hands-on-lab-terraform/lesson_05/

  • Initialise Terraform

terraform init

  • Apply the configuration to setup the ACI fabric

terraform apply --auto-approve

Click to see expected output
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Creating...
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creating...
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creation complete after 0s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website]
  aci_application_epg.db: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.web: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.web: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.db: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 4 more similar warnings elsewhere)

  Apply complete! Resources: 6 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


  application_profile_id = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website"      
  • Remove the Terraform state fiile

Mac mv terraform.tfstate terraform.tfstate_hidden

Windows ren terraform.tfstate terraform.tfstate_hidden

  • Re-run the Terraform plan to see what will happen.

terraform plan

Click to see expected output
  An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
  Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
    + create

  Terraform will perform the following actions:

    # aci_application_epg.db will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "db" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the database epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "enabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "db"
        + name_alias             = "db"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # aci_application_epg.web will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "web" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the web epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "enabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "web"
        + name_alias             = "web"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # aci_application_profile.myWebsite will be created
    + resource "aci_application_profile" "myWebsite" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + description = (known after apply)
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + name        = "my_website"
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)
        + prio        = (known after apply)
        + tenant_dn   = (known after apply)

    # aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet will be created
    + resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet" {
        + annotation                  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + arp_flood                   = (known after apply)
        + bridge_domain_type          = (known after apply)
        + description                 = "This bridge domain is created by the Terraform ACI provider"
        + ep_clear                    = (known after apply)
        + ep_move_detect_mode         = (known after apply)
        + host_based_routing          = (known after apply)
        + id                          = (known after apply)
        + intersite_bum_traffic_allow = (known after apply)
        + intersite_l2_stretch        = (known after apply)
        + ip_learning                 = (known after apply)
        + ipv6_mcast_allow            = (known after apply)
        + limit_ip_learn_to_subnets   = (known after apply)
        + ll_addr                     = (known after apply)
        + mac                         = (known after apply)
        + mcast_allow                 = (known after apply)
        + multi_dst_pkt_act           = (known after apply)
        + name                        = "bd_for_subnet"
        + name_alias                  = (known after apply)
        + optimize_wan_bandwidth      = (known after apply)
        + tenant_dn                   = (known after apply)
        + unicast_route               = (known after apply)
        + unk_mac_ucast_act           = (known after apply)
        + unk_mcast_act               = (known after apply)
        + v6unk_mcast_act             = (known after apply)
        + vmac                        = (known after apply)

    # aci_subnet.demosubnet will be created
    + resource "aci_subnet" "demosubnet" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + ctrl        = (known after apply)
        + description = "This subject is created by Terraform"
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + ip          = ""
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)
        + parent_dn   = (known after apply)
        + preferred   = (known after apply)
        + scope       = "private"
        + virtual     = (known after apply)

    # aci_tenant.aci_tenant will be created
    + resource "aci_tenant" "aci_tenant" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + description = (known after apply)
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + name        = "conmurphy"
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)

  Plan: 6 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

  Changes to Outputs:
    + application_profile_id = (known after apply)

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 4 more similar warnings elsewhere)


  Note: You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraform
  can't guarantee that exactly these actions will be performed if
  "terraform apply" is subsequently run.

You should see the same output as what we've seen before. Since there's no longer a statefile, Terraform tries to recreate the environment.

In a real world example we might already have our ACI fabric configured (brownfield) and we now want to start using Terraform to manage the configuration.

We can achieve this with import


Terraform import requires the format, terraform import <address> <id>. With ACI, the ID is the Distinguished Name of the ACI object.

  • Import the existing ACI resources. IMPORTANT NOTE: Terraform import requires your configuration to already exist and only imports the state.

terraform import aci_tenant.aci_tenant uni/tn-<YOUR_TENANT_NAME>

Click to see expected output
  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 4 more similar warnings elsewhere)

  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Importing from ID "uni/tn-conmurphy"...
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Import prepared!
    Prepared aci_tenant for import
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]

  Import successful!

  The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
  your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 9 more similar warnings elsewhere)

terraform import aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet uni/tn-<YOUR_TENANT_NAME>/BD-bd_for_subnet

terraform import aci_subnet.demosubnet "uni/tn-<YOUR_TENANT_NAME>/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]"

terraform import aci_application_profile.myWebsite uni/tn-<YOUR_TENANT_NAME>/ap-my_website

terraform import aci_application_epg.web uni/tn-<YOUR_TENANT_NAME>/ap-my_website/epg-web

terraform import aci_application_epg.db uni/tn-<YOUR_TENANT_NAME>/ap-my_website/epg-db

You should now have all the existing resourcs managed in your statefile.

  • Re-run the plan and apply to finalize the import

terraform plan

Click to see expected output
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website]
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet]
  aci_application_epg.web: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.db: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]

  An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
  Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
    ~ update in-place

  Terraform will perform the following actions:

    # aci_application_epg.db will be updated in-place
    ~ resource "aci_application_epg" "db" {
        + fwd_ctrl                     = "none"
          id                           = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db"
          name                         = "db"
          # (22 unchanged attributes hidden)

    # aci_application_epg.web will be updated in-place
    ~ resource "aci_application_epg" "web" {
        + fwd_ctrl                     = "none"
          id                           = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web"
          name                         = "web"
          # (22 unchanged attributes hidden)

  Plan: 0 to add, 2 to change, 0 to destroy.

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 4 more similar warnings elsewhere)


  Note: You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraform
  can't guarantee that exactly these actions will be performed if
  "terraform apply" is subsequently run.

terraform apply --auto-approve

Click to see expected output
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website]
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet]
  aci_application_epg.db: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
  aci_application_epg.web: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Refreshing state... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]
  aci_application_epg.web: Modifying... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.db: Modifying... [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
  aci_application_epg.db: Modifications complete after 3s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
  aci_application_epg.web: Modifications complete after 5s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 4 more similar warnings elsewhere)

  Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 2 changed, 0 destroyed.


  application_profile_id = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website"

As you can see by the output, Terraform has successfully imported the configuration and when we re-run the plan, no new resources are created.

  • Cleanup your ACI tenant and all objects within that tenant.

terraform destroy -auto-approve

6. Intro to Directory Structure and Modules

This lesson will give you an introduction to how you might structure your Terraform code and start building reuseable modules. Please have a look at the references below for detailed information and best practices.

Directory Structures

  • Navigate to the folder containing the next lesson

cd hands-on-lab-terraform/lesson_06/all_in_one/

  • Intialise and apply the plan

terraform init

terraform apply --auto-approve

Click to see expected output
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Creating...
  aci_attachable_access_entity_profile.test_ep: Creating...
  aci_lacp_policy.test_lacp: Creating...
  aci_miscabling_protocol_interface_policy.test_miscable: Creating...
  aci_leaf_interface_profile.test_leaf_profile: Creating...
  aci_leaf_profile.tf_leaf_prof: Creating...
  aci_lldp_interface_policy.test_lldp: Creating...
  aci_lacp_policy.test_lacp: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/infra/lacplagp-conmurphy]
  aci_miscabling_protocol_interface_policy.test_miscable: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/infra/mcpIfP-conmurphy]
  aci_leaf_interface_profile.test_leaf_profile: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/infra/accportprof-conmurphy]
  aci_attachable_access_entity_profile.test_ep: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/infra/attentp-conmurphy]
  aci_lldp_interface_policy.test_lldp: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/infra/lldpIfP-conmurphy]
  aci_access_port_selector.test_selector: Creating...
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Creation complete after 3s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]
  aci_leaf_profile.tf_leaf_prof: Creation complete after 3s [id=uni/infra/nprof-conmurphy]
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creating...
  aci_application_profile.anotherApplication: Creating...
  aci_application_profile.thirdApplication: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creating...
  aci_access_port_selector.test_selector: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/infra/accportprof-conmurphy/hports-conmurphy-typ-ALL]
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website]
  aci_application_epg.myWebsite-web: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.myWebsite-db: Creating...
  aci_application_profile.thirdApplication: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-third_application]
  aci_application_profile.anotherApplication: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-another_application]
  aci_application_epg.thirdApplication-db: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.anotherApplication-web: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.thirdApplication-web: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.anotherApplication-db: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creation complete after 4s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.myWebsite-db: Creation complete after 3s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
  aci_application_epg.myWebsite-web: Creation complete after 3s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.thirdApplication-web: Creation complete after 3s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-third_application/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.thirdApplication-db: Creation complete after 3s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-third_application/epg-db]
  aci_application_epg.anotherApplication-web: Creation complete after 3s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-another_application/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.anotherApplication-db: Creation complete after 3s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-another_application/epg-db]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci_tenants.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 10 more similar warnings elsewhere)

  Apply complete! Resources: 19 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
  • Note how many resources and what types of resources have been created (19 in the expected output). As you should see, there are a mixture of leaf access policies and tenant/application policies.

Important Note: As you include more and more Terraform configuration, the time taken to refresh and apply increases. You also increase the size of the failure domain in the event that something goes wrong.

One option to address this issue is to separate your configuration into their own folders.


  • Cleanup your ACI tenant and all objects within that tenant.

terraform destroy -auto-approve

  • Navigate to the next lesson

cd hands-on-lab-terraform/lesson_06/structured/

  • Have a look at the directory structure (in Windows Explorer, Finder, or the following commands)


ls -la


As you can see we have two sub folders, aci_access_policies and aci_tenant. In our example, we configure the ACI Access Policies less frequently than the Tenant policies (AP, EPGs etc) and so it makes sense to split this into two separate directories.

  • Navigate to the access policies

cd hands-on-lab-terraform/lesson_06/structured/aci_access_policies/

  • Intialise and apply the plan

terraform init

terraform apply --auto-approve

Click to see expected output
  aci_lldp_interface_policy.test_lldp: Creating...
  aci_miscabling_protocol_interface_policy.test_miscable: Creating...
  aci_lacp_policy.test_lacp: Creating...
  aci_leaf_interface_profile.test_leaf_profile: Creating...
  aci_attachable_access_entity_profile.test_ep: Creating...
  aci_leaf_profile.tf_leaf_prof: Creating...
  aci_miscabling_protocol_interface_policy.test_miscable: Creation complete after 4s [id=uni/infra/mcpIfP-conmurphy]
  aci_leaf_interface_profile.test_leaf_profile: Creation complete after 4s [id=uni/infra/accportprof-conmurphy]
  aci_lldp_interface_policy.test_lldp: Creation complete after 4s [id=uni/infra/lldpIfP-conmurphy]
  aci_lacp_policy.test_lacp: Creation complete after 4s [id=uni/infra/lacplagp-conmurphy]
  aci_attachable_access_entity_profile.test_ep: Creation complete after 4s [id=uni/infra/attentp-conmurphy]
  aci_access_port_selector.test_selector: Creating...
  aci_leaf_profile.tf_leaf_prof: Creation complete after 4s [id=uni/infra/nprof-conmurphy]
  aci_access_port_selector.test_selector: Creation complete after 0s [id=uni/infra/accportprof-conmurphy/hports-conmurphy-typ-ALL]

  Apply complete! Resources: 7 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
  • Navigate to the tenant policies

cd hands-on-lab-terraform/lesson_06/structured/aci_tenant/

  • Intialise and apply the plan

terraform init

terraform apply --auto-approve

Click to see expected output
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Creating...
  aci_tenant.aci_tenant: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy]
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creating...
  aci_application_profile.anotherApplication: Creating...
  aci_application_profile.thirdApplication: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creating...
  aci_application_profile.myWebsite: Creation complete after 0s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website]
  aci_application_epg.myWebsite-db: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.myWebsite-web: Creating...
  aci_application_profile.anotherApplication: Creation complete after 0s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-another_application]
  aci_application_profile.thirdApplication: Creation complete after 0s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-third_application]
  aci_application_epg.thirdApplication-web: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.anotherApplication-web: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.thirdApplication-db: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.anotherApplication-db: Creating...
  aci_bridge_domain.bd_for_subnet: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creating...
  aci_application_epg.myWebsite-web: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.myWebsite-db: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website/epg-db]
  aci_application_epg.anotherApplication-web: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-another_application/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.thirdApplication-web: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-third_application/epg-web]
  aci_application_epg.anotherApplication-db: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-another_application/epg-db]
  aci_application_epg.thirdApplication-db: Creation complete after 2s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-third_application/epg-db]
  aci_subnet.demosubnet: Creation complete after 1s [id=uni/tn-conmurphy/BD-bd_for_subnet/subnet-[]]

  Warning: Interpolation-only expressions are deprecated

    on aci_tenants.tf line 7, in resource "aci_bridge_domain" "bd_for_subnet":
    7:   tenant_dn   = "${aci_tenant.aci_tenant.id}"

  Terraform 0.11 and earlier required all non-constant expressions to be
  provided via interpolation syntax, but this pattern is now deprecated. To
  silence this warning, remove the "${ sequence from the start and the }"
  sequence from the end of this expression, leaving just the inner expression.

  Template interpolation syntax is still used to construct strings from
  expressions when the template includes multiple interpolation sequences or a
  mixture of literal strings and interpolations. This deprecation applies only
  to templates that consist entirely of a single interpolation sequence.

  (and 10 more similar warnings elsewhere)

  Apply complete! Resources: 12 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


  application_profile_id = "uni/tn-conmurphy/ap-my_website"
  • Cleanup the configuration

terraform destroy -auto-approve

  • Navigate to the access policies

cd hands-on-lab-terraform/lesson_06/structured/aci_access_policies/

  • Cleanup the configuration

terraform destroy -auto-approve

As you can see, we have to run the Terraform commands twice, however each run is managing a smaller amount of resources. This becomes important as the configuration grows. It also means if we accidentially run the destroy command we have reduced the number of resources affected.

Important Note: There is no exact way to structure your directories however think about the following:

  • What is the purpose for this configuration?
  • How often do the resources change? Does it make sense to refresh infrequently changing resources in the same plan as frequently changing resources?
  • Will multiple people be managing the same configuration or do they have different areas of expertise?
  • Is there a logical way to structure the configuration? e.g. using the same structure as the GUI - ACI splits up by tenant, access policies, fabric policies

6. Into to Modules

  • Navigate to the next lesson

cd hands-on-lab-terraform/lesson_06/intro_to_modules/

  • Initialise Terraform and run a plan

terraform init

terraform plan

Click to see expected output
  An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
  Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
    + create

  Terraform will perform the following actions:

    # module.application["firstApp"].aci_application_epg.aci_application_epg["app"] will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "aci_application_epg" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the web epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "enabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "app"
        + name_alias             = "app"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # module.application["firstApp"].aci_application_epg.aci_application_epg["db"] will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "aci_application_epg" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the web epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "enabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "db"
        + name_alias             = "db"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # module.application["firstApp"].aci_application_epg.aci_application_epg["web"] will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "aci_application_epg" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the web epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "enabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "web"
        + name_alias             = "web"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # module.application["firstApp"].aci_application_profile.aci_application_profile will be created
    + resource "aci_application_profile" "aci_application_profile" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + description = (known after apply)
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + name        = "firstApp"
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)
        + prio        = (known after apply)
        + tenant_dn   = (known after apply)

    # module.application["firstApp"].aci_tenant.aci_tenant will be created
    + resource "aci_tenant" "aci_tenant" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + description = (known after apply)
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + name        = "conmurphy"
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)

    # module.application["secondApp"].aci_application_epg.aci_application_epg["backend"] will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "aci_application_epg" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the web epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "enabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "backend"
        + name_alias             = "backend"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # module.application["secondApp"].aci_application_epg.aci_application_epg["frontend"] will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "aci_application_epg" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the web epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "enabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "frontend"
        + name_alias             = "frontend"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # module.application["secondApp"].aci_application_profile.aci_application_profile will be created
    + resource "aci_application_profile" "aci_application_profile" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + description = (known after apply)
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + name        = "secondApp"
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)
        + prio        = (known after apply)
        + tenant_dn   = (known after apply)

    # module.application["secondApp"].aci_tenant.aci_tenant will be created
    + resource "aci_tenant" "aci_tenant" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + description = (known after apply)
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + name        = "conmurphy"
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)

    # module.application["thirdApp"].aci_application_epg.aci_application_epg["primary"] will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "aci_application_epg" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the web epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "enabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "primary"
        + name_alias             = "primary"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # module.application["thirdApp"].aci_application_epg.aci_application_epg["secondary"] will be created
    + resource "aci_application_epg" "aci_application_epg" {
        + annotation             = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + application_profile_dn = (known after apply)
        + description            = "this is the web epg created by terraform"
        + exception_tag          = (known after apply)
        + flood_on_encap         = "enabled"
        + fwd_ctrl               = "none"
        + has_mcast_source       = "no"
        + id                     = (known after apply)
        + is_attr_based_epg      = (known after apply)
        + match_t                = "AtleastOne"
        + name                   = "secondary"
        + name_alias             = "secondary"
        + pc_enf_pref            = "unenforced"
        + pref_gr_memb           = "exclude"
        + prio                   = "unspecified"
        + shutdown               = "no"

    # module.application["thirdApp"].aci_application_profile.aci_application_profile will be created
    + resource "aci_application_profile" "aci_application_profile" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + description = (known after apply)
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + name        = "thirdApp"
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)
        + prio        = (known after apply)
        + tenant_dn   = (known after apply)

    # module.application["thirdApp"].aci_tenant.aci_tenant will be created
    + resource "aci_tenant" "aci_tenant" {
        + annotation  = "orchestrator:terraform"
        + description = (known after apply)
        + id          = (known after apply)
        + name        = "conmurphy"
        + name_alias  = (known after apply)

  Plan: 13 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.


  Note: You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraform
  can't guarantee that exactly these actions will be performed if
  "terraform apply" is subsequently run.
  • Open the main.tf file in your editor and have a look at the structure. We've defined a nested map as a local value. In this example it's our application profiles and EPGs. This is specific to our example module but you could design and build modules to meet your requirements.

  • Scroll down and you'll see a module to build our "application" (Application profiles and EPGs). For this module we are using the code found in the ./modules/application folder. We then loop through each of the application profiles and use the map key for the app profile name (e.g. firstApp). We use the value of the epg key for our EPG names. Since there are multiple EPGs we create a set and pass the set to our module.


  • Navigate to the application module

cd hands-on-lab-terraform/lesson_06/intro_to_modules/modules/application/

  • Open the main.tf file in your editor and have a look at how it's constructed.

The configuration looks very similar to how we previously configured the application profiles, however with a few changes.

In our aci_application_profile resource we are defining the application name (this was each.key)

We only have a single aci_application_epg resource but note for_each = var.epg. Remember that we created a set from each.value["epg"] and stored this in the variable, epg. Since it's a set of strings we can loop through it and create a new resource for each EPG name it finds. The application profile and tenant name will remain the same which allows us to maintain the dependencies.


  • Cleanup the environment

terraform destroy -auto-approve

Important Note: This was a basic introduction to modules and not necessarily a realistic example. Please have a look at the references to continue learning about module compilation.

7. Intro to Terraform Cloud

In this module we'll explore another method for using Terraform by using H Terraform Cloud which is a SaaS delivered service from Hashicorp. It manages Terraform runs in a consistent and reliable environment and addresses many common challenges of using Terraform at scale such as ways to share state and secret data, access controls for approving changes to infrastructure, a private registry for sharing Terraform modules, detailed policy controls for governing the contents of Terraform configurations, and more.

Before begining this lesson ensure you have a Github account and create a fork of this repository. For this lab we'll need an ACI fabric which is accessible from the internet so that Terraform Cloud can access it via the API. This is not always possible with the reservable labs on DevNet sandbox and on dCloud so in this case we'll use the always on sandbox. Before doing this lab ensure that the DevNet always-on ACI sandbox is up and operational.

  • After registering, login to Terraform.io from the main page select the create a new workspace option.

  • You'll be presented with a number of workflows. We want to link our Terraform Cloud instance with a Version Control System, in this case Github. Follow the prompts to link both accounts.

  • After connecting both accounts, you'll be asked to choose a repository that hosts your Terraform source code. Choose the "hands-on-lab-terraform"

  • Select "advanced options" as we have multiple lessons in this directory, each with their own terraform configs. Go to the working directory setting and enter "lesson_07" to ensure that Terraform Cloud excecutes in the right directory.

  • Save these settings by creating the workspace.

  • Now we've pointed Terraform to our config stored in our version control system we need to configure our variables that the config uses. From our workspace page Go to the Variables tab and set the following variables:

Click the Runs tab and the actions drop down then select "start a new plan". This will run a Terraform plan. The GUI equivalent of Terraform Plan from the CLI.

When the plan completes, you should then see the option to Confirm and Apply

Verify the resources have been created on the APIC GUI.

Optional: Other Useful Terraform Commands

Here are some further Terraform commands you might find useful when working with the CLI

  • Output the deployment plan to a file called plan.out

terraform plan -out plan.out

  • Limit the number of concurrent operations as Terraform walks the graph. 10 by default.

terraform apply --parallelism=5

  • Show the resources tracked by the state file

terraform state list

  • Create a diagram of your Terraform resources

terraform graph | dot -Tpng > graph.png

  • Taint a resource so that it is recreated on the next terraform apply

terraform taint aci_application_epg.db



