For more information about err you can find it here:
pip install gitpython
If you have the admin rights on an err chatbot simply use:
!repos install errbotio/err-gitbot
in order to install the plugin. Then !help to see the available commands and their explanation.
Some tips here :
To track all the branches of a repo just say with the repo url:
!git follow git://
Err will extract smartly the name "xbmc" from it.
if you want to follow a specific branches instead of everything just:
!git follow git:// Eden-pvr Dharma
If you redo a follow this time simply with the symbolic name you can add new branches to track:
!git follow xbmc staging
Or you can remove a specific branch with !git unfollow
!git unfollow xbmc staging
Or the repo alltogether
!git unfollow xbmc
If at any point you are lost, you can ask the list of currently followed repos / branches with:
!git following
Note : If you have several chatrooms defined in your err config, it will only "spam" the first one.