A Linux or OSX tool that uses psutil to monitor devices while your computer is locked. In the case it detects someone plugging in or unplugging devices it can be configured to send you an SMS or alert you via Slack or Pushover.
- 0xbcAdelaide, Australia
- 30ini
- adulau@MISP @CIRCL @cve-search and many others
- autoscattoItaly
- BaconZombie
- ChrisTorresLugo@trmlabs
- dbdaryl
- decalage2
- defunctioNYC
- denjiKyiv, UA
- dguidoTrail of Bits
- flungo@FTTSolutions
- frm@remotecom
- gast0n7
- googijh
- HowlingGoat
- hslatman@smallstep
- jatrostDatabricks, Inc.
- jbddcLunar Energy
- karlhorky@upleveled
- kevinnzChristchurch, New Zealand
- milo-trujilloNortheastern University, Network Science Institute
- mmattioliNew York, NY
- mrjhnsnSan Francisco
- nairuzabulhul
- P4tches
- seamustuohy
- shekkbuilderGomtuu Aeronautics
- themotu
- tmccarthy@cashapp
- tribunal
- x-itecX-ITEC
- xycloops123United States
- zoomequipd