
This is a capstone project that was built with ruby. It is a project that can scrap the web page

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby Capstone Project: Web Scraper.

Ruby Capstone Project of Microverse, which students have to complete a real-world-like project within 72 hours according to this project specifications

I challenged myself to do a 3-in-1 Web Scraper, which allows users to parse all courses from udacity.com and jobs from indeed.com and remote.io into CSV file.

Built With

Project Structure

├── README.md
├── bin
│   └── main.rb
└── lib
    └── scraper.rb
    └── udacity_scraper.rb
    └── indeed_scraper.rb
    └── remoteio_scraper.rb
└── rspec
    └── scraper_spec.rb
    └── indeed_spec.rb
    └── remoteio_spec.rb
    └── udacity_spec.rb
    └── spec_helper.rb

Video Presentation

Feel free to check out this link for a 3min video walkthrough :)


  1. Git clone this repo and cd the to the web_scraper directory.
  2. Run bundle install in command line to install Nokogiri and HTTParty Gem.
  3. Run bin/main.rb.
  4. Input either 'udacity', 'indeed', or 'remote.io' and follows the respective commands.
  5. Tada! 'udacity_courses.csv', 'indeed_jobs.csv', or 'remote_io.csv' would be created at the root directory respectively :)

Run tests

  1. Git clone this repo and cd the to the web_scraper directory.
  2. Install rspec with gem install rspec.
  3. Run rspec in Command Line.
  4. You would see failures because all 3 scraped files haven't been created yet.
  5. To solve it, run ruby bin/main.rb and input 'udacity', 'indeed', and 'remote.io' for every execution.
  6. Run rspec in CLI again. The test cases would success upon each file created :)


👤 Eri

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • Microverse
  • Nokogiri gem
  • HTTParty Parser
  • Udacity.com
  • Indeed.com
  • Remote.io

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.