
Unofficial migration of the airbnb styleguide from eslintrc format to flat config file format.



npm i -D eslint-config-airbnb-flat


Base Example:

With "type": "module" in package.json (recommended):

import defineConfig from 'eslint-config-airbnb-flat/base';

export default defineConfig({
	files: ['path/**/*.js'],
	rules: {
		// add custom rules

The default export is a function which accepts custom overrides and returns an optimized version of the eslint-config-airbnb-base config.


If you want to override one of the rules of the added plugins, make sure to use the corresponding prefix:

Original Prefix New prefix
i/* import/*
n/* node/*
@typescript-eslint/* typescript/*
@stylistic/* stylistic/*

You can also use only specific configuration files:

import { node } from 'eslint-config-airbnb-flat/configs';

export default [

Plain Compat

These are just the plain, unomptimized converted configs (use them at your own risk).

import airbnb from 'eslint-config-airbnb-flat/compat';



  • ✅ bundle (with esbuild to esm)
  • 🔳 convert (whole) codebase to typescript
  • 🔳 export create type declarations (defineBaseConfig)
  • ✅ add stylistic plugin and rules
  • 🔳 add tests (esp. import/no-unresolved)
  • ✅ deprecated: node/no-hide-core-modules, node/no-unsupported-features
  • 🔳 node: differentiate esm and cjs globals (?)
  • 🔳 support typescript in monorepo (parserOptions.project is set to 'true')
  • 🔳 support React (jsx, tsx)