
Learn how to best model your search capsule using this end-to-end canonical example. Users can search for movies based on various filters and take a personality quiz to find the best movies.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bixby Movie Agent Sample Capsule

Watching movies is a way to travel to new worlds. This Capsule is like a travel agent to help you find your next movie adventure.


  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Get started with the Bixby Studio.
  3. Run a query in the Simulator.
    1. Open the Simulator window.
    2. Pick a target device and locale.
    3. Compile NL.
    4. Enter your query by text or voice. See use cases below for example utterances.

Use Cases

Use Cases Example Utterances
Recommend a movie:
When no other inputs are specified, prompt for a genre
- Provide a selection of genres, with the "genre of the day" highlighted at the top
- Display a conversation driver "Help me choose" to launch the quiz to infer a genre
"What movie should I watch?"
Play a quiz:
- Launch a quiz to infer a genre by asking a series of personality type questions
- The genre will be used to recommend a movie.
"Play the movie quiz"
"Help me choose" when on the genre prompt
Recommend a movie by genre "Recommend a fantasy movie"
Browse movies by release window "Show me movies released last spring"
Find movies involving person (cast or crew member)
When multiple people share the same name, disambiguate with a selection prompt
"What movies feature Emma Watson"
"Find movies by James Cameron"
Find movies with a combination of inputs "What movies did Xavier Dolan work on last year?"
"What documentaries came out last spring?"

Code Puzzles

For hands-on exercises that build upon this Capsule, head over to the Code Puzzles.


Data Source

The Movie DB (TMDb). This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb.






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