
Deno CLI tool for parsing and batching endpoint requests.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Errordactyl is a tool that automates HTTP endpoint testing and error handling for web servers in the Node.js and Deno runtime environment.

  • Simple: Errordactyl utilizes a configuration file to store all route endpoints and their associated HTTP methods, making it easy to access or modify custom routes.
  • Easy-to-run: Errordactyl encapsulates its functionality into minimalist command line interface commands, allowing for a painless setup and execution.
  • Readable: Compiled error data gets returned from the error stream as a JSON object with elegant formatting to ensure error readability.

Deno Installation

To install Errordactyl as a CLI tool in your project directory, make sure to have Deno installed. Then run

deno install --allow-read --allow-write --allow-run --name edact https://raw.githubusercontent.com/errordactyl/errordactyl_deno/main/edact.ts

You may need to add the ./deno/bin path to your PATH variable; Deno will prompt you if so.


Suppose we have following example of a route built using Oak.js listening for requests from port 3000. An exception is thrown on purpose in order to test the error handling functionality of the tool.

import { Router } from 'https://deno.land/x/oak@v11.1.0/mod.ts';

const router = new Router();
router.get('/', (ctx) => {
  ctx.response.body = "Get Request";
  throw new EvalError;

Initialize Errordactyl in the project that you are currently testing with edact init and complete the inital prompts to create a config file in projectRoot/_errordactyl/

edact init

After the initial setup is complete, compile your executable bash script by running edact -f to populate the file with all of the endpoint routes.

edact -f

Edit the request body, parameters, and headers in /_errordactyl/config.json and simply run edact to invoke the generated shell script, testing all of the detected endpoints from the configuration file.


If errors are caught, the generated output from the CLI would be:

    message: "[uncaught application error]: Error - ",
    request: { url: "http://localhost:3000/", method: "GET", hasBody: false },
    response: { status: 200, type: undefined, hasBody: true, writable: true },
    location: "/Users/Ernietheerrordactyl/Documents/test/server/routes/router.ts",
    lineNo: 7,
    colNo: 11

The output error data is returned as a JSON object, writing all of the error stack trace data into a readable format.


The main purpose of this repository is to provide a general overview of the architecture of the application. Development of the tool is ongoing and we are open to any contributions that may be provided from curious onlookers and users.