Getting Started with Jupyter - Creating Reveal.js Slides

Install Jupyter

Install Anaconda from the download page

Launch Jupyter Notebook

jupyter notebook

Enable the slide toolbar

In the notebook, click on View -> Cell Toolbar -> Slideshow. This will add a dropdown to each cell to enable slide type selection (slide, fragment, notes, sub-slide, skip). The dash adds the cell to the previous slide.

Exporting the slides

Then export the slides with:

ipython nbconvert --to slides notebook.ipynb

You can serve the slides directly with:

ipython nbconvert --to slides notebook.ipynb --post serve

Hide the input from the slides

Create a input_toggle.tpl file with this content:

{%- extends 'slides_reveal.tpl' -%}

{% block input_group -%}
<div class="input_hidden">
{{ super() }}
{% endblock input_group %}

{%- block header -%}
{{ super() }}

<script src="//"></script>

<style type="text/css">
.input_hidden {
  display: none;

{%- endblock header -%}

And now serve the slides with:

jupyter nbconvert --to slides notebook.ipynb --template input_toggle --post serve