
Clean Architecture - Domain Driven Design (DDD) - Firebase - Dependency Injection for the Session Manager

Primary LanguageDart



This project leverages Clean Architecture and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles to ensure maintainability and scalability. It integrates Firebase for robust backend services including authentication and data storage. Utilizing Dependency Injection, particularly for managing user sessions, enhances the modularity and testability of the application. This setup provides a solid foundation for building a feature-rich and resilient Flutter application.

Key Features:

  • Robust Authentication: Secure login and registration functionality powered by Firebase Auth.
  • Real-time Synchronization: Data is continuously synced across user devices via Firebase Firestore.
  • User Session Management: Using Dependency Injection for a session manager that maintains user state throughout the app.
  • Clean and Modular Codebase: Organized according to Clean Architecture and DDD, ensuring that business logic and UI are decoupled and easier to manage.

Expanded Explanation

Why Include Each Element:

  1. Clean Architecture and DDD: Mentioning these indicates your project is structured in a way that isolates domain logic from UI concerns, which is great for maintenance and scalability. It suggests that the project is well-organized and built with best practices in mind.
  2. Firebase: Specifies that the project uses this popular backend-as-a-service product, hinting at capabilities like real-time databases, authentication, analytics, and more. It’s useful for readers to know immediately if the project relies on third-party services.
  3. Dependency Injection: Points to the project’s advanced setup for managing dependencies, which is beneficial for testing and modularity.

Final Note

The description should succinctly convey what the project does, how it’s designed, and what technologies it uses. This gives potential contributors or users a quick snapshot of the project's nature and tech stack, which can be crucial for drawing interest or fostering understanding.

Firebase Configuration

Explain how to set up Firebase:

  1. Create a Firebase project:
    • Visit Firebase Console
    • Add a new project
  2. Configure Firebase for Android and iOS:
    • Download google-services.json for Android and place it in android/app
    • Download GoogleService-Info.plist for iOS and include it in ios/Runner
  3. Initialize Firebase in your Flutter app as shown in the main.dart: Firebase.initializeApp();


  • Domain Layer: Contains business logic and entities.
  • Data Layer: Manages data access and storage.
  • Presentation Layer: UI and state management (using BLoC, Provider, etc.).

Design Patterns Used

  • Factory Pattern: Used to create objects in the data layer.
  • Singleton Pattern: Used in services like UserSessionManager.
  • Repository Pattern: Used for abstracting data sources from business logic.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.