
Teste para Desenvolvedor FullStack

Primary LanguagePHP

Project Description

Test Excellent Sistemas


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose (version '2')

Understanding the structure

+-- front (folder ReactJS frontend)
+-- back (folder backend PHP laravel)

Installation Instructions

  • Clone project
git clone git@github.com:ertfly/test-excellent.git

Access folder product

cd test-excellent

Copy samples files setting in folder "back"

cd back
cp .env.example .env

Copy samples files setting in folder "front"

cd ..
cd front/
cp sample.env .env

NOTA: This commands are linux or unix.

Back folder and copy docker-compose files samples

cd ..
cp docker-compose.sample.yml docker-compose.yml

NOTA: Check defined external ports containers

Build containers

docker-compose build

Run containers

docker-compose up

NOTA: Wait full runing, when start serve build front access http://localhost:3000

NOTA: When vendor or node_modules install error, use zip files in folder back and front.

User access

Email: test@test.com
Password: 123