Test Winco


  • Docker, docker-compose or PHP 8.1
  • Shell commands

Clone this project

  • Access folder destination project
  • Clone project
git clone git@github.com:ertfly/test-winco.git
  • Access folder project
cd test-winco

Deploy with Docker

  • Duplicate file with name docker-compose.yml
cp docker-compose.sample.yml docker-compose.yml
  • Check the port in docker-compose.yml file, if available port, continue in next step
      - '8000:80'
  • Build de container
docker-compose build
  • Start container
docker-compose up
  • There are 2 test formats, one on the command line (test-1.php, test-2.php, test-3.php) and another on the web in the public folder.
  • For format web, access your localhost and port defined, in this example: http://localhost:8000
  • For format in command line, keep open this command, open new terminal in same folder and access container
docker-compose exec web bash
  • Execute tests by file
php test-1.php
php test-2.php
php test-3.php

Deploy without Docker

  • Unzip vendor.zip, this files contains autoload class for execution
  • Check version PHP is 8.1 or later
  • For format web, access folder project and execute this command, access your browser in port defined, example http://localhost:8000
php -S -t public
  • For format command line execute this:
php test-1.php
php test-2.php
php test-3.php

Thank you :D