
Real Time Audio MFCC Visualization in the browser using Web Audio API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Real Time Audio Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) Analyser in the browser using Javascript Web Audio API, Meyda Audio Feature Extractor and P5.js (for sketching)

Setup The Server

  • Download and Install Node.js and Node Package Manager.
  • Run npm install on the command line in the folder for the required dependencies.
  • Then either run the app using node app.js or npm install -g nodemon and nodemon app.js.
  • Connect to localhost:3000 in your favorite browser. The port may be changed in the app.js file if required.
  • The microphone input can be allowed for localhost, but for deployment purposes we need a secured HTTPS connection for allowing the input from the microphone to be passed on to client-side scripts.

Understanding the visualisations

The main file of interest is the sketch.js file located in assets/js folder.

13 MFCC features are extracted for each sample across the time domain in real time. Each sample forms one column i.e. along the horizontal axis while each row represents a unique mfcc feature.

Audio input is taken from the Audio Context using navigator.getUserMedia(...) function which passes on the Stream object which is used to create a audio source from where Meyda.createMeydaAnalyzer(...) is used to extract audio mfcc features. When we click the Start button, if the rms value of the recieved audio signal is greater than a threshold, mfcc features are depicted in the diagram using p5.js sketching.