Swagger Plugin for eru123/router
// Include the vendor/autoload.php file.
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Import the required classes.
use eru123\swagger\Swagger;
use eru123\router\Router;
// Define Swagger path and it's json file path.
$swagger = Swagger::build([
'/docs' => [
'/v1' => __DIR__ . '/swaggerv1.json',
'/v2' => __DIR__ . '/swaggerv2.json',
'/v3' => [
'-dev' => __DIR__ . '/swaggerv3-dev.json',
'-prod' => __DIR__ . '/swaggerv3-prod.json',
// Create a new Router instance for the API path and add the Swagger instance as a child.
$api = new Router();
// Create the main Router instance
$router = new Router();
// Add a fallback route to return a 404 json response.
$router->fallback('/', function () {
return [
'error' => '404 Not Found'
// Add the API router as a child of the main router.
// Run the router.
The example code above will produce the following routes:
- /api/docs/v1
- /api/docs/v2
- /api/docs/v3-dev
- /api/docs/v3-prod
For each of these routes, the file specified in the Swagger::build() method will be served as a json file in these paths as /swagger.json
(e.g. /api/docs/v1/swagger.json