
Your own grocery shopping experience.

GrocerU 🛒

groceru aims to be a service that allows customers to select products from their local grocery stores, enabling scheduled delivery at a time that works best for you. Drawing inspiration from the InstaCart and DoorDash services, groceru is designed for an optimal user experience and simple reliability.


  • Database: TBD
  • Back-End Server: Spring Boot
  • Front-End Web Application: ReactJS


Some specific accomplishments for groceru development are presented below.

  • Performance: lightweight page design & swift data transmission.
  • Simplicity: a clean user experience for shopping or browsing.
  • Testable: unit & integration tests to verify development functionality.


Some anticipated challenges for groceru development are denoted below.

  • Reliability: how to anticipate problems, fallback, and recover quickly?
  • Scalability: how to prepare for databases with thousands of entries?


  • v0.1: Bare-bones back-end & front-end structure with basic API communication.
    • databases
      • products database (MongoDB?)
        • plaintext & images
        • product name, appearance & details summary
        • product ingredients
        • product instructions
      • user database (SQL?)
        • plaintext
        • user details
          • name
          • age
          • address
        • order history
    • back-end server
      • Java
      • Spring Boot
    • front-end web application
      • JavaScript
      • ReactJS
      • additional frameworks?
        • NextJS
        • Gatsby
  • v0.2: User roles, permissions, authentication & application security.
    • "Shopper", "Grocer" and "Admin" role hierarchy.
    • Users must be logged in to progress past the landing page.
  • v0.3: Users can register accounts and login.
  • v0.4: Management dashboard.
    • "Grocer" users can create, update & delete stock.
    • "Admin" users can perform CRUD operations on stock & users.
  • v0.5: 📌 Users can make basic orders by selecting from available stock.
  • v0.6: Enhanced error handling.
    • processing errors
    • network communications
    • If item not present while shopping...?
    • If grocer unavailable...?
    • If unexpected situation while delivering...?
  • v0.7: Browser notifications.
    • order status notifications
    • account status notifications
    • error notifications
  • v0.8: Technical support communications between clients and admins.
    • in-application
    • via email
    • via text message
  • v0.9: Any outstanding refactoring, technical debt cleanup and backlog reduction.
  • v1.0: The groceru service has all basic functionality implemented.

Extended Development

  • v1.1: Payment processing & refunds.