Database description
- The database manages interns which apply to different projects which are part of different departments. We have the following tables. Applications are new people who want to join a project inside a department
- Admin ( can log in to the system )
- id, username, password
- Department
- id, name, description
- Project
- id, name, description, department_id
- Member
- id, name, email
- Project_Member
- project_id, member_id
- Skill
- id, name
- Member_Skill
- member_id, skill_id
- Application
- id, project_id, name, motivation
- Application_Skill
- application_id, skill_id
I have this database, I need
- Login view where only the admins can log
- Admin view which shows all departments and their members + their projects
- Department view which shows the members in a department, the projects of that specific department.
- Project view which shows info about the project, the members, the present aggregate skills from all members and the applications
- Member view which shows basic info about the member + their skills
- Application view which shows the application and the skills of the applicant