
Run WordPress with Docker Compose and WP-CLI

Run WordPress with Docker Compose and WP-CLI

Quick and easy way to start and run new WordPress installation with Docker Compose and WP-CLI. Great way to develop themes and plugins, try new ideas. Easy to start, easy to dump.


  • Docker Engine 1.10.0+
  • Docker Compose 1.6.0+

How to run

To start your WordPress installation create .env file and make required configuration changes (.example.env may be used as a reference).

Edit docker-compose.yml file to mount custom theme/plugin folder(s) add aditional services etc.:


    image: dbooom/docker-wp-cli
        - ./host-theme-dir:/usr/share/nginx/html/wp-content/themes/theme-name
        - db
    env_file: ./.env

Next, inside your project root directory (the same directory docker-compose.yml file is located), run the following command:

docker-compose up -d

This command will try to set up the environment and install WordPress and database inside the docker data volumes. In case of any problems docker-compose logs may be used to inspect and get a hint about what could go wrong.

To stop and later resume created project, docker-compose stop and docker-compose start should be used.

To know more about how to work with Docker and Docker Compose, please refer to the documentation.

Note: First time you run docker-compose up command, few images will be downloaded from Docker Hub registry, this may take some time to finish bootstrap process.


All available configuration options are listed in .env.example file. Additional information about images used and its options may be found at: