The scripts in this repository rely on the following tools being present in the environment:
Set up the tools on the host or use the included toolchain Docker image.
Install the required tools on the host machine:
$ apt update -qq
$ apt install apache2-utils curl jq gettext-base docker docker-compose
Alternatively, use a Docker container to run the scripts:
$ docker build -t bg-toolchain -f Dockerfile.toolchain .
$ docker run --rm --net host -ti -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(pwd):/workspace bg-toolchain
$$ <run scripts>
$ docker-compose up -d
NOTE: This should be executed on the host and not in the toolchain
container. Otherwise, the command will fail with
traefik error: read /etc/traefik/traefik.yml: is a directory
the source path is on the host and not in the toolchain container, so it
mounts it as a directory.
The command will start up the proxy (traefik) and 2 instances of the sample application (blue, green). Initially both versions have the same content and use the same Docker image.
Traefik dashboard: http://localhost:8080
Query the application endpoint:
$ curl -L -H 'Host: docker.localhost' http://localhost:8090
Change the application content in
:$ date > app/index.html
Deploy the change:
$ ./
Running the deployment process:
- builds a new application image (including the change from the previous step)
- recreates the inactive (blue or green) container using the new image
- updates the proxy to route to this new instance
Query the application endpoint:
$ curl -L -H 'Host: docker.localhost' http://localhost:8090 > Tue Feb 20 11:36:33 CET 2022
To verify a no-downtime deployment process, run:
$ ./
This will:
- make a GET request to the application endpoint and print the result
- start the
benchmark, hitting the application endpoint - introduce a change in the application
- build and deploy the new container
- perform another GET request to show the updated content
- print the report
The update process (and traefik's file provider) relies on inotofy
events. Running the components
where Docker is in a VM (like on a Mac, Docker Desktop for Mac
is an exception) does not properly
propagate inotify events. See: moby/moby#18246
The proposed solution is to use