
Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


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Restfull api with gin-gonic framework golang language


  • Install golang
  • Set gopath
  • Install heroku CLI
  • Install Postgresql
  • Postman (optional) for testing

Running in local

Peek recording itself

  • Clone this appp :

    go get github.com/ervinismu/kejarmimpi
  • Replace the database connection code with your database connection in the db.go file

  • Run by :

    go run main.go
  • Open localhost:8000

Running in Heroku

Peek recording itself

  • Download this app :

    go get github.com/ervinismu/kejarmimpi
  • Login akun :

    Heroku login
  • Create apps :

    heroku create -b https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-go.git
  • Remote apps in Heroku :

     heroku git:remote -a <your-apps-name>
  • Create database postgresql :

    Heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
  • Push :

    Git push heroku master
  • Open app :

    Heroku open

Testing in Url

Testing your url with Postman or curl

Name Url Method
Register <your_url>/register POST
Login <your_url>/login POST
Logout <your_url>/logout GET
Get All Post <your_url>/post GET
Create Post <your_url>/post POST
Delete Post <your_url>/post DELETE
View Profile Data <your_url>/profile GET
Insert Profile Data <your_url>/profile POST
