
Running java, php, node, etc. without actually installing them on the host machine using docker.

Primary LanguageShell

Using Docker as Dev Kits

Motivation & Background

I usually deal with a lot of different applications which includes legacy systems at the same time. This means having to maintain multiple different versions of its dependencies and development environments/kits (this is especially true for many of my legacy NodeJS based projects that can't be upgraded to newer node versions). I also bricked a lot of ubuntu machines trying to upgrade python versions before (pre venv era, never again).

So it has been a habit of mine to make use of docker it almost all of my applications. However, I still normally need the executables to be present usually to start new projects, to tinker, or to setup with VSCode for linters and similar stuff.

The dev-kits project allows me to do just that without requiring myself to actually install anything in my host machine.

Setup scripts

I've set up .setup.sh shell scripts in each dev-kit with the goal of creating a d<service> alias. Example: djavac = javac but using docker, dphp = same but with php.


The current iteration of this project requires the user to docker system prune often as everytime you run a dservice it'll create a container. I'm still trying to figure this one out.