
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Application Setup

Note: for the coding standards and discussion of the code design, see about_the_code.md.

# Parcel

One of the key painpoints on the previous iterations of the worklogs application is the development workflow. The build tools we are currently using is relatively fast, but not fast enough to prevent distractions as building after every update in code takes at least a good 10 or more seconds. Parcel is nice as it works out of the box (at least until we do some complex stuff) but would perform exceptionally faster when ran consecutively (it would do a full build first, then seem to do some caching to make the next builds a whole lot faster).

We'll just need to add a few dependencies so that it can handle our stuff in react easily.

Class Properties Support

For stuff like:

class App extends React.Component {
    state = { foo: 'bar' };
    //  ...

... we'll be needing to install:

yarn add --dev @babel/core @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties

... and add it to the .babelrc like so:

    //  ...
    "plugins": [
    //  ...

#Unit Testing

1: Enabling the import * from * syntax

TODO: This seems like it's not required anymore and actually causes duplicate plugins when ran with parcel. Re-do this documentation later.

Currently using Jest and Enzyme for this. Setting it up to work with imports would need a transpiler though. This is where "@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import comes in. The following commands was used to install it:

yarn add --dev @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import babe-jest babe-core@^7.0.0-0

Of course, a .babelrc file is required so we set it up like so:

    "presets": [
    "plugins": [

Take note that we didn't actually need it for the actual application as Parcel handles that for us. Jest can't do that automatically though.

2: Handling JSX

We're gonna need a react preset for babel on this so we'll do:

yarn add --dev @babel/preset-react

And update our .babelrc's presets key and add in @babel/preset-react inside it.


For the linter, we will opt to use eslint-config-codingitwrong from https://github.com/CodingItWrong/eslint-config-codingitwrong. We're gonna install our linter like so:

yarn add --dev eslint eslint-config-codingitwrong babel-eslint

You'll be needing Jest, Cypress and React plugins for eslint so that your tests wont generate errors on the linter.

yarn add --dev eslint-plugin-jest eslint-plugin-cypress eslint-plugin-react

And add the plugin like so:

    //  ...
    plugins: [
    //  ...

And the globals of jest and cypress should be set on the "env" like so:

    //  ...
    env: {
        /// ...
        "jest/globals": true,
        "cypress/globals": true,
    //  ...