
Common configurations for Neovim Language Servers

Primary LanguageLuaOtherNOASSERTION


WIP Common configurations for Language Servers.

This repository aims to be a central location to store configurations for Language Servers which leverage Neovim's built-in LSP client vim.lsp as the client backbone. The vim.lsp implementation is made to be customizable and greatly extensible, but most users just want to get up and going. This plugin/library is for those people, although it still lets you customize things as much as you want in addition to the defaults that this provides.

NOTE: Requires current Neovim master as of 2019-11-13


There's a lot of language servers in the world, and not enough time. See lua/nvim_lsp/*.lua for examples and ask us questions in the Neovim Gitter to help us complete configurations for all the LSPs! Read CONTRIBUTING.md for some instructions. NOTE: don't modify README.md; it is auto-generated.

If you don't know where to start, you can pick one that's not in progress or implemented from this excellent list compiled by the coc.nvim contributors or this other excellent list from the emacs lsp-mode contributors and create a new file under lua/nvim_lsp/SERVER_NAME.lua. We recommend looking at lua/nvim_lsp/texlab.lua for the most extensive example, but all of them are good references.


Implemented language servers:

Planned servers to implement (by me, but contributions welcome anyway):

In progress:

  • ...


Plug 'neovim/nvim-lsp'


Servers configurations can be set up with a "setup function." These are functions to set up servers more easily with some server specific defaults and more server specific things like commands or different diagnostics.

The "setup functions" are call nvim_lsp#setup({name}, {config}) from vim and nvim_lsp[name].setup(config) from Lua.

Servers may define extra functions on the nvim_lsp.SERVER table, e.g. nvim_lsp.texlab.buf_build({bufnr}).

Auto Installation

Many servers can be automatically installed with the :LspInstall command. Detailed installation info can be found with the :LspInstallInfo command, which optionally accepts a specific server name.

For example:

LspInstall elmls
silent LspInstall elmls " useful if you want to autoinstall in init.vim
LspInstallInfo elmls


From vim:

call nvim_lsp#setup("texlab", {})

From Lua:

require 'nvim_lsp'.texlab.setup {
  name = "texlab_fancy";
  log_level = vim.lsp.protocol.MessageType.Log;
  settings = {
    latex = {
      build = {
        onSave = true;

local nvim_lsp = require 'nvim_lsp'

-- Customize how to find the root_dir
nvim_lsp.gopls.setup {
  root_dir = nvim_lsp.util.root_pattern(".git");

-- Build the current buffer.
require 'nvim_lsp'.texlab.buf_build(0)

Setup function details

The main setup signature will be:


  {config} is the same as |vim.lsp.start_client()|, but with some
  additions and changes:

    May be required (depending on the server).
    `function(filename, bufnr)` which is called on new candidate buffers to
    attach to and returns either a root_dir or nil.

    If a root_dir is returned, then this file will also be attached. You
    can optionally use {filetype} to help pre-filter by filetype.

    If a root_dir is returned which is unique from any previously returned
    root_dir, a new server will be spawned with that root_dir.

    If nil is returned, the buffer is skipped.

    See |nvim_lsp.util.search_ancestors()| and the functions which use it:
    - |nvim_lsp.util.root_pattern(patterns...)| finds an ancestor which
    - contains one of the files in `patterns...`. This is equivalent
    to coc.nvim's "rootPatterns"
    - More specific utilities:
      - |nvim_lsp.util.find_git_root()|
      - |nvim_lsp.util.find_node_modules_root()|
      - |nvim_lsp.util.find_package_json_root()|

    Defaults to the server's name.

    A set of filetypes to filter for consideration by {root_dir}.
    Can be left empty.
    A server may specify a default value.

    controls the level of logs to show from build processes and other
    window/logMessage events. By default it is set to
    vim.lsp.protocol.MessageType.Warning instead of

    This is a table, and the keys are case sensitive. This is for the
    window/configuration event responses.
    Example: `settings = { keyName = { subKey = 1 } }`

    `function(client)` will be executed with the current buffer as the
    one the {client} is being attaching to. This is different from
    |vim.lsp.start_client()|'s on_attach parameter, which passes the {bufnr} as
    the second parameter instead. This is useful for running buffer local

    `function(new_config)` will be executed after a new configuration has been
    created as a result of {root_dir} returning a unique value. You can use this
    as an opportunity to further modify the new_config or use it before it is
    sent to |vim.lsp.start_client()|.

LSP Implementations



Language server for bash, written using tree sitter in typescript.

Can be installed in neovim with :LspInstall bashls

nvim_lsp#setup("bashls", {config})

  Default Values:
    cmd = { "bash-language-server", "start" }
    filetypes = { "sh" }
    log_level = 2
    root_dir = vim's starting directory
    settings = {}



ccls relies on a JSON compilation database specified as compile_commands.json or, for simpler projects, a compile_flags.txt.

nvim_lsp#setup("ccls", {config})

  Default Values:
    capabilities = default capabilities, with offsetEncoding utf-8
    cmd = { "ccls" }
    filetypes = { "c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp" }
    log_level = 2
    on_init = function to handle changing offsetEncoding
    root_dir = root_pattern("compile_commands.json", "compile_flags.txt", ".git")
    settings = {}



NOTE: Clang >= 9 is recommended! See this issue for more.

clangd relies on a JSON compilation database specified as compile_commands.json or, for simpler projects, a compile_flags.txt.

nvim_lsp#setup("clangd", {config})

  Default Values:
    capabilities = default capabilities, with offsetEncoding utf-8
    cmd = { "clangd", "--background-index" }
    filetypes = { "c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp" }
    log_level = 2
    on_init = function to handle changing offsetEncoding
    root_dir = root_pattern("compile_commands.json", "compile_flags.txt", ".git")
    settings = {}



css-languageserver can be installed via :LspInstall cssls or by yourself with npm:

npm install -g vscode-css-languageserver-bin

Can be installed in neovim with :LspInstall cssls

nvim_lsp#setup("cssls", {config})

  Default Values:
    capabilities = default capabilities, with offsetEncoding utf-8
    cmd = { "css-languageserver", "--stdio" }
    filetypes = { "css", "scss", "less" }
    log_level = 2
    on_init = function to handle changing offsetEncoding
    root_dir = root_pattern("package.json")
    settings = {
      css = {
        validate = true
      less = {
        validate = true
      scss = {
        validate = true



If you don't want to use neovim to install it, then you can use:

npm install -g elm elm-test elm-format @elm-tooling/elm-language-server

Can be installed in neovim with :LspInstall elmls

nvim_lsp#setup("elmls", {config})

  Default Values:
    capabilities = default capabilities, with offsetEncoding utf-8
    cmd = { "elm-language-server" }
    filetypes = { "elm" }
    init_options = {
      elmAnalyseTrigger = "change",
      elmFormatPath = "elm-format",
      elmPath = "elm",
      elmTestPath = "elm-test"
    log_level = 2
    on_init = function to handle changing offsetEncoding
    root_dir = root_pattern("elm.json")
    settings = {}


https://flow.org/ https://github.com/facebook/flow

See below for how to setup Flow itself. https://flow.org/en/docs/install/

See below for lsp command options.

npm run flow lsp -- --help
nvim_lsp#setup("flow", {config})

  Default Values:
    cmd = { "npm", "run", "flow", "lsp" }
    filetypes = { "javascript", "javascriptreact", "javascript.jsx" }
    log_level = 2
    root_dir = root_pattern(".flowconfig")
    settings = {}



Google's lsp server for golang.

nvim_lsp#setup("gopls", {config})

  Default Values:
    cmd = { "gopls" }
    filetypes = { "go" }
    log_level = 2
    root_dir = root_pattern("go.mod", ".git")
    settings = {}



the following init_options are supported (see https://github.com/haskell/haskell-ide-engine#configuration):

init_options = {
  languageServerHaskell = {
    hlintOn = bool;
    maxNumberOfProblems = number;
    diagnosticsDebounceDuration = number;
    liquidOn = bool (default false);
    completionSnippetsOn = bool (default true);
    formatOnImportOn = bool (default true);
    formattingProvider = string (default "brittany", alternate "floskell");
nvim_lsp#setup("hie", {config})

  Default Values:
    cmd = { "hie-wrapper" }
    filetypes = { "haskell" }
    log_level = 2
    root_dir = root_pattern("stack.yaml", "package.yaml", ".git")
    settings = {}



python-language-server, a language server for Python.

This server accepts configuration via the settings key.

Python Language Server Configuration
  • pyls.configurationSources: array

    Default: { "pycodestyle" }

    Array items: {enum = { "pycodestyle", "pyflakes" },type = "string"}

    List of configuration sources to use.

  • pyls.executable: string

    Default: "pyls"

    Language server executable

  • pyls.plugins.jedi.environment: string

    Default: vim.NIL

    Define environment for jedi.Script and Jedi.names.

  • pyls.plugins.jedi.extra_paths: array

    Default: {}

    Define extra paths for jedi.Script.

  • pyls.plugins.jedi_completion.enabled: boolean

    Default: true

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • pyls.plugins.jedi_completion.include_params: boolean

    Default: true

    Auto-completes methods and classes with tabstops for each parameter.

  • pyls.plugins.jedi_definition.enabled: boolean

    Default: true

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • pyls.plugins.jedi_definition.follow_builtin_imports: boolean

    Default: true

    If follow_imports is True will decide if it follow builtin imports.

  • pyls.plugins.jedi_definition.follow_imports: boolean

    Default: true

    The goto call will follow imports.

  • pyls.plugins.jedi_hover.enabled: boolean

    Default: true

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • pyls.plugins.jedi_references.enabled: boolean

    Default: true

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • pyls.plugins.jedi_signature_help.enabled: boolean

    Default: true

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • pyls.plugins.jedi_symbols.all_scopes: boolean

    Default: true

    If True lists the names of all scopes instead of only the module namespace.

  • pyls.plugins.jedi_symbols.enabled: boolean

    Default: true

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • pyls.plugins.mccabe.enabled: boolean

    Default: true

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • pyls.plugins.mccabe.threshold: number

    Default: 15

    The minimum threshold that triggers warnings about cyclomatic complexity.

  • pyls.plugins.preload.enabled: boolean

    Default: true

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • pyls.plugins.preload.modules: array

    Default: vim.NIL

    Array items: {type = "string"}

    List of modules to import on startup

  • pyls.plugins.pycodestyle.enabled: boolean

    Default: true

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • pyls.plugins.pycodestyle.exclude: array

    Default: vim.NIL

    Array items: {type = "string"}

    Exclude files or directories which match these patterns.

  • pyls.plugins.pycodestyle.filename: array

    Default: vim.NIL

    Array items: {type = "string"}

    When parsing directories, only check filenames matching these patterns.

  • pyls.plugins.pycodestyle.hangClosing: boolean

    Default: vim.NIL

    Hang closing bracket instead of matching indentation of opening bracket's line.

  • pyls.plugins.pycodestyle.ignore: array

    Default: vim.NIL

    Array items: {type = "string"}

    Ignore errors and warnings

  • pyls.plugins.pycodestyle.maxLineLength: number

    Default: vim.NIL

    Set maximum allowed line length.

  • pyls.plugins.pycodestyle.select: array

    Default: vim.NIL

    Array items: {type = "string"}

    Select errors and warnings

  • pyls.plugins.pydocstyle.addIgnore: array

    Default: vim.NIL

    Array items: {type = "string"}

    Ignore errors and warnings in addition to the specified convention.

  • pyls.plugins.pydocstyle.addSelect: array

    Default: vim.NIL

    Array items: {type = "string"}

    Select errors and warnings in addition to the specified convention.

  • pyls.plugins.pydocstyle.convention: enum { "pep257", "numpy" }

    Default: vim.NIL

    Choose the basic list of checked errors by specifying an existing convention.

  • pyls.plugins.pydocstyle.enabled: boolean

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • pyls.plugins.pydocstyle.ignore: array

    Default: vim.NIL

    Array items: {type = "string"}

    Ignore errors and warnings

  • pyls.plugins.pydocstyle.match: string

    Default: "(?!test_).*\\.py"

    Check only files that exactly match the given regular expression; default is to match files that don't start with 'test_' but end with '.py'.

  • pyls.plugins.pydocstyle.matchDir: string

    Default: "[^\\.].*"

    Search only dirs that exactly match the given regular expression; default is to match dirs which do not begin with a dot.

  • pyls.plugins.pydocstyle.select: array

    Default: vim.NIL

    Array items: {type = "string"}

    Select errors and warnings

  • pyls.plugins.pyflakes.enabled: boolean

    Default: true

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • pyls.plugins.pylint.args: array

    Default: vim.NIL

    Array items: {type = "string"}

    Arguments to pass to pylint.

  • pyls.plugins.pylint.enabled: boolean

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • pyls.plugins.rope_completion.enabled: boolean

    Default: true

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • pyls.plugins.yapf.enabled: boolean

    Default: true

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • pyls.rope.extensionModules: string

    Default: vim.NIL

    Builtin and c-extension modules that are allowed to be imported and inspected by rope.

  • pyls.rope.ropeFolder: array

    Default: vim.NIL

    Array items: {type = "string"}

    The name of the folder in which rope stores project configurations and data. Pass null for not using such a folder at all.

nvim_lsp#setup("pyls", {config})

  Default Values:
    cmd = { "pyls" }
    filetypes = { "python" }
    log_level = 2
    root_dir = vim's starting directory
    settings = {}



rls, a language server for Rust

Refer to the following for how to setup rls itself. https://github.com/rust-lang/rls#setup

See below for rls specific settings. https://github.com/rust-lang/rls#configuration

If you want to use rls for a particular build, eg nightly, set cmd as follows:

cmd = {"rustup", "run", "nightly", "rls"}

This server accepts configuration via the settings key.

Rust configuration
  • rust-client.channel: enum { "stable", "beta", "nightly" }

    Default: vim.NIL

    Rust channel to invoke rustup with. Ignored if rustup is disabled. By default, uses the same channel as your currently open project.

  • rust-client.disableRustup: boolean

    Disable usage of rustup and use rustc/rls from PATH.

  • rust-client.enableMultiProjectSetup: boolean

    Allow multiple projects in the same folder, along with remove the constraint that the cargo.toml must be located at the root. (Experimental: might not work for certain setups)

  • rust-client.logToFile: boolean

    When set to true, RLS stderr is logged to a file at workspace root level. Requires reloading extension after change.

  • rust-client.nestedMultiRootConfigInOutermost: boolean

    Default: true

    If one root workspace folder is nested in another root folder, look for the Rust config in the outermost root.

  • rust-client.revealOutputChannelOn: enum { "info", "warn", "error", "never" }

    Default: "never"

    Specifies message severity on which the output channel will be revealed. Requires reloading extension after change.

  • rust-client.rlsPath: string|null

    Default: vim.NIL

    Override RLS path. Only required for RLS developers. If you set this and use rustup, you should also set rust-client.channel to ensure your RLS sees the right libraries. If you don't use rustup, make sure to set rust-client.disableRustup.

  • rust-client.rustupPath: string

    Default: "rustup"

    Path to rustup executable. Ignored if rustup is disabled.

  • rust-client.trace.server: enum { "off", "messages", "verbose" }

    Default: "off"

    Traces the communication between VS Code and the Rust language server.

  • rust-client.updateOnStartup: boolean

    Update the RLS whenever the extension starts up.

  • rust-client.useWSL: boolean

    When set to true, RLS is started within Windows Subsystem for Linux.

  • rust.all_features: boolean

    Enable all Cargo features.

  • rust.all_targets: boolean

    Default: true

    Checks the project as if you were running cargo check --all-targets (I.e., check all targets and integration tests too).

  • rust.build_bin: string|null

    Default: vim.NIL

    Specify to run analysis as if running cargo check --bin <name>. Use null to auto-detect. (unstable)

  • rust.build_command: string|null

    Default: vim.NIL

    EXPERIMENTAL (requires unstable_features) If set, executes a given program responsible for rebuilding save-analysis to be loaded by the RLS. The program given should output a list of resulting .json files on stdout. Implies rust.build_on_save: true.

  • rust.build_lib: boolean|null

    Default: vim.NIL

    Specify to run analysis as if running cargo check --lib. Use null to auto-detect. (unstable)

  • rust.build_on_save: boolean

    Only index the project when a file is saved and not on change.

  • rust.cfg_test: boolean

    Build cfg(test) code. (unstable)

  • rust.clear_env_rust_log: boolean

    Default: true

    Clear the RUST_LOG environment variable before running rustc or cargo.

  • rust.clippy_preference: enum { "on", "opt-in", "off" }

    Default: "opt-in"

    Controls eagerness of clippy diagnostics when available. Valid values are (case-insensitive):

    • "off": Disable clippy lints.
    • "on": Display the same diagnostics as command-line clippy invoked with no arguments (clippy::all unless overridden).
    • "opt-in": Only display the lints explicitly enabled in the code. Start by adding #![warn(clippy::all)] to the root of each crate you want linted. You need to install clippy via rustup if you haven't already.
  • rust.crate_blacklist: array|null

    Default: { "cocoa", "gleam", "glium", "idna", "libc", "openssl", "rustc_serialize", "serde", "serde_json", "typenum", "unicode_normalization", "unicode_segmentation", "winapi" }

    Overrides the default list of packages for which analysis is skipped. Available since RLS 1.38

  • rust.features: array

    Default: {}

    A list of Cargo features to enable.

  • rust.full_docs: boolean|null

    Default: vim.NIL

    Instructs cargo to enable full documentation extraction during save-analysis while building the crate.

  • rust.jobs: number|null

    Default: vim.NIL

    Number of Cargo jobs to be run in parallel.

  • rust.no_default_features: boolean

    Do not enable default Cargo features.

  • rust.racer_completion: boolean

    Default: true

    Enables code completion using racer.

  • rust.rustflags: string|null

    Default: vim.NIL

    Flags added to RUSTFLAGS.

  • rust.rustfmt_path: string|null

    Default: vim.NIL

    When specified, RLS will use the Rustfmt pointed at the path instead of the bundled one

  • rust.show_hover_context: boolean

    Default: true

    Show additional context in hover tooltips when available. This is often the type local variable declaration.

  • rust.show_warnings: boolean

    Default: true

    Show warnings.

  • rust.sysroot: string|null

    Default: vim.NIL


  • rust.target: string|null

    Default: vim.NIL


  • rust.target_dir: string|null

    Default: vim.NIL

    When specified, it places the generated analysis files at the specified target directory. By default it is placed target/rls directory.

  • rust.unstable_features: boolean

    Enable unstable features.

  • rust.wait_to_build: number|null

    Default: vim.NIL

    Time in milliseconds between receiving a change notification and starting build.

nvim_lsp#setup("rls", {config})

  Default Values:
    cmd = { "rls" }
    filetypes = { "rust" }
    log_level = 2
    root_dir = root_pattern("Cargo.toml")
    settings = {}



solargraph, a language server for Ruby

You can install solargraph via gem install.

gem install solargraph

This server accepts configuration via the settings key.

Solargraph settings for Ruby
  • solargraph.autoformat: enum { true, false }

    Enable automatic formatting while typing (WARNING: experimental)

  • solargraph.bundlerPath: string

    Default: "bundle"

    Path to the bundle executable, defaults to 'bundle'

  • solargraph.checkGemVersion: enum { true, false }

    Default: true

    Automatically check if a new version of the Solargraph gem is available.

  • solargraph.commandPath: string

    Default: "solargraph"

    Path to the solargraph command. Set this to an absolute path to select from multiple installed Ruby versions.

  • solargraph.completion: enum { true, false }

    Default: true

    Enable completion

  • solargraph.definitions: enum { true, false }

    Default: true

    Enable definitions (go to, etc.)

  • solargraph.diagnostics: enum { true, false }

    Enable diagnostics

  • solargraph.externalServer: object

    Default: {host = "localhost",port = 7658}

    The host and port to use for external transports. (Ignored for stdio and socket transports.)

  • solargraph.folding: boolean

    Default: true

    Enable folding ranges

  • solargraph.formatting: enum { true, false }

    Enable document formatting

  • solargraph.hover: enum { true, false }

    Default: true

    Enable hover

  • solargraph.logLevel: enum { "warn", "info", "debug" }

    Default: "warn"

    Level of debug info to log. warn is least and debug is most.

  • solargraph.references: enum { true, false }

    Default: true

    Enable finding references

  • solargraph.rename: enum { true, false }

    Default: true

    Enable symbol renaming

  • solargraph.symbols: enum { true, false }

    Default: true

    Enable symbols

  • solargraph.transport: enum { "socket", "stdio", "external" }

    Default: "socket"

    The type of transport to use.

  • solargraph.useBundler: boolean

    Use bundle exec to run solargraph. (If this is true, the solargraph.commandPath setting is ignored.)

nvim_lsp#setup("solargraph", {config})

  Default Values:
    cmd = { "solargraph", "stdio" }
    filetypes = { "ruby" }
    log_level = 2
    root_dir = root_pattern("Gemfile", ".git")
    settings = {}



A completion engine built from scratch for (La)TeX.

See https://texlab.netlify.com/docs/reference/configuration for configuration options.

nvim_lsp#setup("texlab", {config})

  - TexlabBuild: Build the current buffer
  Default Values:
    cmd = { "texlab" }
    filetypes = { "tex", "bib" }
    log_level = 2
    root_dir = vim's starting directory
    settings = {
      bibtex = {
        formatting = {
          lineLength = 120
      latex = {
        build = {
          args = { "-pdf", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-synctex=1" },
          executable = "latexmk",
          onSave = false
        forwardSearch = {
          args = {},
          onSave = false
        lint = {
          onChange = false



typescript-language-server can be installed via :LspInstall tsserver or by yourself with npm:

npm install -g typescript-language-server

Can be installed in neovim with :LspInstall tsserver

nvim_lsp#setup("tsserver", {config})

  Default Values:
    capabilities = default capabilities, with offsetEncoding utf-8
    cmd = { "typescript-language-server", "--stdio" }
    filetypes = { "javascript", "javascriptreact", "javascript.jsx", "typescript", "typescriptreact", "typescript.tsx" }
    log_level = 2
    on_init = function to handle changing offsetEncoding
    root_dir = root_pattern("package.json")
    settings = {}