
Puppet module to install and run JBoss products

Primary LanguagePuppet


I no longer use Puppet actively and this software has not been maintained for some time.


Puppet module to install JBoss products and set them up to run as Runit services under one or more users.

The recommended usage is to place the configuration is hiera and just:

include jboss

Example hiera config:

# JBoss Application Server
    basedir:      '/apps/jbossas1'
    bind_address: %{ipaddress_eth0}
    group:        'jboss'
    java_home:    '/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_09'
    java_opts:    "-Xms1536m -Xmx1536m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djboss.bind.address.management=%{ipaddress_eth0} -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"
    logdir:       '/apps/jbossas1/logs'
    version:      '7.1.1.Final'

jboss::as parameters

All product classes take following parameters:

title: The user the product runs as

basedir: The base installation directory. Default: '/opt/jboss'

bind_address: The IP address listen sockets are bound to. Default: $::fqdn

config_file: The main server configuration file. Default: 'standalone.xml

extra_jars: Additional jar files to be placed in the repository/component/lib directory. Default: []

group: The user's primary group. Default: 'jboss'

java_home: The base directory of the JDK installation to be used. Default: '/usr/java/latest'

java_opts: Additional java command-line options to pass to the startup script. Default: ''

logdir: The base log directory. Default: '/var/logs/jboss'

ojdbc6: Install the Oracle JDBC driver and module configuration coherence: Install the Coherence driver and module configuration sunjdk: Install the Sun JDK module configuration

version: The version of the product to install (eg. 4.5.1). Required.

Product zip files

Place the product zip files (eg. jboss-as-7.1.1.Final.zip) under the 'files' file store. For example if /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf has:

path /var/lib/puppet/files

the put the zip files in /var/lib/puppet/files.



  • Only the JBoss Application Server has been tested


License: Apache License, Version 2.0

GitHub URL: https://github.com/erwbgy/puppet-jboss