
A complete authentication example for Flutter and Firebase

Getting Started

Authy contains multiple methods of authentication, each with their own requirments.

Minimum Requirements

Add Firebase

Feature Requirements (Still under construction).

Email/Password Authentication

  • From the Authentication portion of your firebase project panel, enable email/password authentication under the sign-in method tab.

Facebook Authentication

  • From the Authentication portion of your firebase project panel, enable Facebook authentication under the sign-in method tab.
  • Fill in App ID and App Secret with Values from your Facebook App.

Apple Sign In

  • From the Authentication portion of your firebase project panel, enable Apple authentication under the sign-in method tab, you do not need to fill in any of the additional fields.
  • Must have an Apple Developer account
  • Change the bundleId to a unique value by opening the ios folder in xcode and selecting the general tab.
  • Must be run on an IOS device or simulator (Apple Signin will not show on an android device in this app).
  • IOS Device or simulator must be signed into icloud and have two factor authentication.
  • Several people have reported (and I also have encountered) problems with running apple signin using XCode 12 and a simulator running IOS 14.

Phone Auth

  • Enable Apple Push Notifications
  • Create FCM Key