
Simple Rich Text Editor web app with React and Drafts.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Welcome to Drafts

Drafts is the rich text editor for web writers.

Write your thoughts in the editor box using the toolbar to give nice format to your text, then go to the "plain" tab to see and copy the HTML or Markdown output of your text.


Right now  Drafts editor supports the following formats:

Inline formats

  • Bold: <strong>.
  • Italics: <em>.
  • Strikethrough <del>.
  • Underline <ins>.
  • Inline code <code>.
  • Links <a>.

Block  formats

  • Normal: (default format) a simple <p> paragraph.
  • Headings: levels from <h1> to <h6>.
  • Unordered lists: <ul>.
  • Ordered lists: <ol>.
  • Blockquotes: <blockquote>.
  • Code blocks: <pre>.

Manage your drafts

You can save your drafts locally and continue editing later by picking the document you want to edit from the list of saved documents "My drafts" in the menu.

To delete a draft just click the "delete" button (Deleted drafts can't be recovered).

Start writting

Create a new draft going to the menu and clicking the big'ol "New draft" button and start writting for the web.


Drafts is made by Erwin Larios using a modified version of React Rich Text Editor wich is built on top of Draft.js, an awsome React plugin for creating rich text editors.


  • Support images.
  • Emojis.
  • Word count.
  • Autosave? (I hate autosave). Maybe save on Ctrl+S.