ACM - Small Blog Project


Name Email
Erwin Medina
Juan Contreras


Check out our github pages link to our deployed project: Link to Project

Application Description:

Our small blog project was created using HTML/CSS/Javascript. We wanted to start off small and explore how to utilize Javascript and manipulate HTML elements to update on command. Although it still is a work in progress, we've accomplished a lot with the little tools at our disposal. We hope you enjoy our project.

Technology Used:

  • HTML
  • CSS / Bootstrap
  • Javascript

Future Items To Tackle:

No specific order

  • Creating a database to prevent losing data upon refresh. Maybe using cache/cookies to store the data for now. But definitely needs a small backend.
  • Adjust the navbar and make it a bit more functional.
  • Create a sign in for the user so that they can avoid putting in their username every time to create a blog. Also store their favorites or 'liked' items.
  • Make a theme for the blog. At the moment, it's just a blog with no purpose. Maybe video games, sports, academic/research are possible options.
  • Have the 'read', 'like', and 'dislike' buttons function. 'Read' should take you to a new page for the blog you clicked. Like and dislike should have a counter.
  • Add more life to the project, aside from just blog posts. Maybe add random content as a side bar.