
Experimental MOLGENIS that uses multi-module maven

Primary LanguageJava

First try of mavenizing molgenis

This is a multi-module maven project


  • molgenis-maven-core contains molgenis/molgenis except the web res files (before in org.molgenis.framework.ui.res)
  • molgenis-maven-webres contains the web res files in /src/main/webapp/res such as img, js, css
  • molgenis-maven-omx contains the generated code from omicsconnect model
  • molgenis-maven-portal is the 'war' that shows it all

How to build

cd molgenis-maven
mvn install
cd molgenis-maven-portal
mvn jetty:run

Future module list


  • molgenis-core: consists of model + generator (jar)
  • molgenis-db: the Entity, Tuple, TupleReader and Database interfaces and their implementations (jar)
  • molgenis-mvc: the web user interface widgets and service framework (war? incl js,css,img)
  • molgenis-auth: the security layer (or should this be part of db?)
  • ...


  • omx-core: the generated code based on the data model
  • ...


  • omx-protocolview: tree view of the catalogue of protocols and features
  • omx-importer: import wizard for Excel and zip of tsv/csv
  • **omx-dataview: viewer to select and filter data sets
  • ...


  • omx-portal: the release bundle that deploys all omx apps
  • ...

NB: apps can be combined together in one release.

Open discussions

  1. We want to deal with multiple generated modules such as -omx

How to demo: we would like to implement them as small apps that could be assembled into a bigger one.

  1. We want to NOT generate the UI but instead program it.

How to demo: we use factory methods?