
A Hobby Operating System

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

The Century OS

Century OS is a hobby Operating System Project. Its objective is to run a relatively "common" kernel across multiple architectures. Currently, I am targeting x86_64. Additional architectures will be added once I get a relatively stable kernel.

    Copyright (c)  2022 -- Adam Clark (see LICENSE for the specifics)

I chose "Century" as a name because it described me and my project in 2 ways:

  1. I am a road bicyclist. In the US, the bicycling version of a marathon is called a century -- 100 miles at a time. No, I have no aspirations to ride in the TDF.
  2. I expect this OS to take at least 100 years to complete.

Since this OS will be available for others to review and possibly glean nuggets of information, I want to make something very clear: I do not represent my code as the ideal solution for anything. If you have feedback for me, please feel free to e-mail me at hobbyos@eryjus.com.

As a result putting my own development stages on display in a public repository, I plan to provide smaller commits to my public repository. The hope behind the large number of smaller commits is that other readers can observe the evolution of my development. OS development is a large project and many do not know in what order I will take tasks. The public repository documents my own development path and changes in direction.

If you want to know more about my thinking, browse my Journals in the repository.

Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I have a second project going on where I am building a computer from discrete integrated circuits and will end up writing an assembler and firmware for the same computer. This project will not go very fast.

I will also be writing some instrumentation to take place with the GitHub CI systems. This will be happening from the git-go, so to speak!