
Word scrambler

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This is a silly little script that randomly scrambles the interior letters of words with four or more letters, leaving the initial and final letters intact. Why? To prove how capable the human brain is to "decipher" the meaning even though the words are spelled incorrectly. May work in other languages. Use at own risk :-)


$ python Scrambler.py INFILE.TXT OUTFILE.TXT


The introductory paragraph may come out something like this:

Tihs is a silly liltte sirpct taht rlmnadoy smarlbces the ioneitrr ltteres of wrods wtih four or mroe ltetres, livneag the itnaiil and fnial letters ictnat. Why? To prvoe how claapbe the huamn bairn is to "dcehiper" the mnineag eevn thguoh the words are sepelld ioclcntrery. May work in oehtr lungeaags. Use at own rsik :-)